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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 28, 2007
I already paid $50 for tomtom iphone app. It would be great to have a big 9.7 screen gps device with the tomtom app.

Do I have to repay for the app again. Or can I just re-download the same app (if I am using my same iTunes user name)?
no you do not need to purchase it again. Any app you own can be installed on up to 5 devices which will include the iPad
Too early to know but here is what is likely to happen.

(according to Apple) You'll will be able to share the same Apps as with your iPhone the same way you can have an iTouch/iPhone on the same account. If Tom Tom (and others) produce specific iPad resolution/features Apps there would likely be an upgrade charge (or an all new buy) since the new App would also likely have enhanced features and development costs involved.
What Julien said.

Not that it'll be very useful to you: the iPad doesn't have a GPS receiver.
Yeah, too bad about the lack of GPS chip. It would have made a cool turn by turn GPS device.
What Julien said.

Not that it'll be very useful to you: the iPad doesn't have a GPS receiver.

The iPad (3G) does have GPS. Just look at the specs. Assisted GPS means cell phone triangulation along with Global Positioning Satellites (GPS). This is the same Assisted GPS as the iPhone 3G/3GS.

The iPad (3G) does have GPS. Just look at the specs. Assisted GPS means cell phone triangulation along with Global Positioning Satellites (GPS). This is the same Assisted GPS as the iPhone 3G/3GS.


Keep spreading the word. Even if it wasn't mentioned in the keynote, we all could've found this out on our own.

Back to the topic, I'd love to somehow add this to my car. ~10" GPS plus internet when I'm parked ;). Count me in, but I hate the price jump in storage. If Apple ever put an SD card slot in the iPad like the iMacs or MacBooks, revenues would fall. I'd so buy a 16GB 3G model and add my own SD card. But, that's not the Apple we know.

I can't wait to see what people use their 3G iPads for in the mobile entertainment area.
Yeah, too bad about the lack of GPS chip. It would have made a cool turn by turn GPS device.

So, now that the iPad 3G is here, with its GPS chip, should (does) the TomTom GPS app that works so well on my iPhone 3Gs work the same way on the iPad 3g?

I installed it, but I actually am getting mixed signals. It seems to be guiding me fairly well, but at the top of the screen it keeps flashing "Connect to GPS". Strange.
So, now that the iPad 3G is here, with its GPS chip, should (does) the TomTom GPS app that works so well on my iPhone 3Gs work the same way on the iPad 3g?

I installed it, but I actually am getting mixed signals. It seems to be guiding me fairly well, but at the top of the screen it keeps flashing "Connect to GPS". Strange.
I wondered why I was reading a January thread... :)

I'd check the app description and reviews for the app, and see if anyone has posted anything. Or the support website for TomTom. There may be different routines to access the GPS in the iPad that need a revision to make the app truly universal.
Good ideas. Strangely, nothing on TomTom's site (WTF???). You'd think TomTom they would have some definitive info up there. No excuse.

Also, as of this posting, none of the iTunes store reviews in the App Store give a review of how it works, or doesn't work, on the iPad 3g.
tonypittman said:
Good ideas. Strangely, nothing on TomTom's site (WTF???). You'd think TomTom they would have some definitive info up there. No excuse.

Also, as of this posting, none of the iTunes store reviews in the App Store give a review of how it works, or doesn't work, on the iPad 3g.

I can't speak for the TomTom app, but I know that I cant put the same CoPilot Live app on my iPad 3G that I have on my iPhone 3G. So I guess I will be buying that one again :(
Good ideas. Strangely, nothing on TomTom's site (WTF???). You'd think TomTom they would have some definitive info up there. No excuse.

Also, as of this posting, none of the iTunes store reviews in the App Store give a review of how it works, or doesn't work, on the iPad 3g.
Huh... I've never used TomTom software/devices... do they have support forums on their website? Perhaps they didn't address it for the WiFi, but you'd think they would have tested with the 3G simulator, or have some comment somewhere....
My copy of Navigon for iPhone installed just fine on my iPad, and since the 3G has assisted GPS I can use it just like I can on the iPhone.

As long as you use the same iTunes account for both, all your iPhones apps will sync with your iPad. They may just run in a iPhone sized window, unless they've been updated as universal apps.
I can't speak for the TomTom app, but I know that I cant put the same CoPilot Live app on my iPad 3G that I have on my iPhone 3G. So I guess I will be buying that one again :(

Talk about ALK ripping off their customers. I bought CoPilot then gave up the iPhone 3GS for an iPad 3G. iTunes won't install it, and now I see a CoPilot HD. Where's the in-app upgrade or a universal binary? Hell, I'd be happy just to run it as an iPhone app in 2x mode.

Not cool, ALK. Support your customers!
I have TomTom on my iPad 3G, I also have it on my iPhone, I did not have to pay any extra. However, it is not yet been made totally iPad friendly. I tried it in the 2X mode & it is OK, but it would be nicer in a total iPad mode.
I have TomTom on my iPad 3G, I also have it on my iPhone, I did not have to pay any extra. However, it is not yet been made totally iPad friendly. I tried it in the 2X mode & it is OK, but it would be nicer in a total iPad mode.

I 2nd that. Can't wait for an iPad update.
I can't speak for the TomTom app, but I know that I cant put the same CoPilot Live app on my iPad 3G that I have on my iPhone 3G. So I guess I will be buying that one again :(

The latest update for CoPilot allows for sync to iPad. I'm sure it would be better to have the HD version, but this will do.
The latest update for CoPilot allows for sync to iPad. I'm sure it would be better to have the HD version, but this will do.
Yes, this is true. I just installed my copy of CoPilot on my iPad 3G and after a brief test it seems to be working fine even in 2X mode. In fact, it's better than on my iPhone 3GS since it appears that the GPS is "stronger" (for lack of a better term) and the iPad is so fast that it recalculates routes almost before you finish the mistake that takes you off course (like in mid-turn if you make a wrong turn).

In any case, the standard CoPilot terms of use say that you can only use it on one device at any give time. So, I guess you can move it to another device but you're not supposed to actively use it on two devices at the same time. That seems pretty fair if you are the only user, since it wouldn't make much sense to have it running on two devices at the same time (so, I guess, no sharing with your significant other unless you never have an overlap in use).
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