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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 9, 2004
i was wondering if i could spy a pc from my mac? or it would even go cross platform? also do you guys know what kinda spy prog is good? thanks...
nhw said:
i was wondering if i could spy a pc from my mac? or it would even go cross platform? also do you guys know what kinda spy prog is good? thanks...
I don't know about spying but my two roomies have windows boxes and I can log onto their systems via our local network we got going. We transfer files back and forth between shared folders but that is the extent of my knowledge. Sorry but i figured i would offer my $.02
nhw said:
i was wondering if i could spy a pc from my mac? or it would even go cross platform? also do you guys know what kinda spy prog is good? thanks...

This is an awfully generic question. Would you be more specific regarding what it is you want to do? What exactly do you mean by "spy on a pc"?

VNC is a good cross platform remote desktop program. You run the server on which ever computer you want to remotely access or/view. I use it frequently.
Westside guy said:
This is an awfully generic question. Would you be more specific regarding what it is you want to do? What exactly do you mean by "spy on a pc"?

my specific question....well my gf use a pc but i have a mac and im just a little control freak type. bottom line is i wanna see if shez talkin to someone else online so on...
nhw said:
my specific question....well my gf use a pc but i have a mac and im just a little control freak type. bottom line is i wanna see if shez talkin to someone else online so on...

I just edited my post to take out my detailed advice on monitoring AIM traffic (probably unethically so). Bottom line is, don't bother: take it from me, once you start spying on your girl like that, you may as well just break up (face the inevitable) and save yourself a lot of hassle, not to mention that if you were to catch her cheating, it's kind of a catch-22 since you can't be like "i was spying on you and saw you talking to what's-his-name" without losing a lot of face yourself.
A keylogger would be a better way to go. It loggs all of her key strokes then you can go on later or from your mac and see the hidden text file it creates. Or get a program like eitherpeak that can be left running on your PC and it will tell you all internet trafic including AIM. But it is about $4000. Just get a key logger they are free.
a spy -HELP!!!

virividox said:
dude, dont spy where is the trust? besides if ur that paranoid its better u arent together.

i'm new to forums, but have loved reading macrumors for a while, so i'm a bit shy... but here goes :p

i totally agree totally!!! but logic and the heart sure can clash.

just spent 2days trying to figure out what is doing funny things on my ibook 500 2usb. seems there was a virus w32 (deleted by virex) but then also some hidden folders.

any ideas? it seemed like spyware. how can it be recognized? how to deal with it? aladdin software?... can it just come out of thin air, or have i been targeted specifically by someone i know (quite possibly one particular someone)?

over a 5day period, 15 document files that i could not open of 76mb ea showed up on in a hidden folder called -private-.

private also contained a number of locked folders i could not open (no priveleges).

a log was started at the same time console.log with some weird events listed.

the virus virex found and deleted. w32, is strange, but i don't think it was that...

i can give some more info if that would help. i'd love to have some opinions.

as for the girlfriend and spyware -don't do it. in the end morals are the imperative in a relationship. lose that, lose everything. good luck
nhw said:
my specific question....well my gf use a pc but i have a mac and im just a little control freak type. bottom line is i wanna see if shez talkin to someone else online so on...
There are ways, but you really should focus more on growing up.
Don't do it! Could end up in tears.

This thread reminded me of timbuktu - we linked up a mac controling another mac.

"look I'm not doing that! it has a mind of it's own!" hours of....ok well minutes of fun!
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