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EricChunky said:
but are we suggested to read the manul before purchase? it is not stated anywhere obvious on the outside of the box or any of Apple's advertising!

This should be patently obvious to anybody with an iota of common sense.

If you feel something's wrong, contact Apple to resolve the issue. But please, don't drive up the cost of Apple's products for the rest of us by filing frivolous lawsuits.
I agree also...but this is nothing to sue Apple for if you don't have time to talk to Apple about it.
I touched a MBP at the Apple store,and it was blazing hot. I thought it had just been sitting there all day,but I could be wrong.
Ah... this is just like that stupid McDonald's coffee lawsuit.

Anybody who would even consider doing something like that to a company like Apple deserves the title of "perfect f***ing a**hole."

Subiklim said:
Read the owner's manual. This isn't intended to be a laptop, rather a portable computer. The bottom is not intended to be touched when it is on.

It's all clearly stated in the manual. Apple isn't stupid, they've covered their tracks.

So? Did Apple explicitly package the MBP in such a way you have to read the manual before opening the package? Even then it can be argued that a manual is a non binding agreement, and that the MBP is truly a dangerous design if it does cause injury.
not sure anyone really listens but...

you cant sue without something happening to the plaintiff.

what has happened here?

from what I can tell...nothing.

just a little bit of annoyance at the heat levels of a MBP.

there is no burns.

there is no loss of data.

there is no loss of money.

there is no loss of work time.

Why is it everyone is so "Sue-Happy"?
Sdashiki said:
not sure anyone really listens but...

you cant sue without something happening to the plaintiff.

what has happened here?

from what I can tell...nothing.

just a little bit of annoyance at the heat levels of a MBP.

there is no burns.

there is no loss of data.

there is no loss of money.

there is no loss of work time.

Why is it everyone is so "Sue-Happy"?

LOL, I think he said it made him sweat
but are we suggested to read the manul before purchase? it is not stated anywhere obvious on the outside of the box or any of Apple's advertising!

I loved this bit.

Yes, you are expected to read. No, the world is not obligated to keep you from making yourself unhappy or even hurting yourself.
Ja Di ksw said:
I loved this bit.

Yes, you are expected to read. No, the world is not obligated to keep you from making yourself unhappy or even hurting yourself.

Ah yes, but as the recent wars have shown, the world is obviously not the good ole USA...
Ja Di ksw said:
I loved this bit.

Yes, you are expected to read. No, the world is not obligated to keep you from making yourself unhappy or even hurting yourself.

yes it is if you read the consumer protection act , at least it is in the EU.

that's why they stick smoking kills banners on cigarrete boxes as well, even tho apparently people know smoking kills are far more than peopel know macbook pro burns.

the only thing that is missing here is a story like:

"a young stupid dad left his macbookpro on the bed (might create more heat because the bottom is blocked) and went away for a while, his 2 yo stupid daughter climb over and stuck her feet under the macbookpro.... her dad return 5 minutes later and ..."

and we'll have a woo. *hot wings*
As others have pointed out the product would actually have to harm you in order for you to sue for damages and even then it could well be necessary, unless they settle, to actually prove it was through prior knowledge that they allowed a flawed design to slip through the net.

The temperature you measured is no worse then my 1.67 17in experiences when charging, infact that regular exceeds 60°c with use. Yes it is hot to the touch in certain areas so I learnt to just not touch them. Placing it on my lap can indeed make me sweat but then so does using my iron.

Saying you haven't got time to seek an exchange or a least contact Apple would not give your case much credence at all. You had a perfectly usable G4 Powerbook which you decided to replace with what (regardless of what some will say) was an unproven product at a time when you were about to face exams. The precident has been set for as long as I can remember that first generation Apple products usually carry bugs, not serious, but enough to need ironing out further down the line. My Rev A 17in was actually far hotter in use then any of the subsequent generations I've encountered, it even ran my 1.67 close.

With the release of the 17in Macbook my original belief that the 15in model was released prematurely just to make the headlines has not changed. I expect the 17in will run cooler and may even have resolved the whining issues. You have a perfectly usable machine which sounds like it is no different to any of the other ones. Do yourself (considering the fact you may wish to take further action) and all those with similar problems a favour and approach Apple through the normal channels first.
psycho bob said:
You had a perfectly usable G4 Powerbook which you decided to replace with what (regardless of what some will say) was an unproven product at a time when you were about to face exams.

i did read the rest of your reply and thank you for that.

just want to specifically point out that i made my payment on 22th Jan and received my first macbook pro on 26th March. on 10th April a standard DVD stucked inside and i got a replacement for that, dispite the geniuse said while they took the disc out they destory all the data on the harddrive (so i wont be bothered to go back to apple stock and get my files transfered)... it take quite a while to decide whether a laptop is too hot especially when you love mac so much and won't allow yourself to admit such an expensive and elegant machine will be unacceptably hot... and then my first exam is set on 25th April and the rest will go through May.

you see, i actually sold my powerbook on eBay same day MacBook Pro was announced.... sad..
EricChunky said:
yes it is if you read the consumer protection act , at least it is in the EU.

that's why they stick smoking kills banners on cigarrete boxes as well, even tho apparently people know smoking kills are far more than peopel know macbook pro burns.

the only thing that is missing here is a story like:

"a young stupid dad left his macbookpro on the bed (might create more heat because the bottom is blocked) and went away for a while, his 2 yo stupid daughter climb over and stuck her feet under the macbookpro.... her dad return 5 minutes later and ..."

and we'll have a woo. *hot wings*

The problem with the smoking annalogy is that the tobaco industry was sued because it covered up the facts about just how harmful and addictive tobacco and elements within it were. It went out of its way to hide details and fabricate information as part of a conspiracy that cost them dearly. Part of the settlement was the disclosure and the need to improve public awareness. The writing on a pack serves only to reinforce what many already now in this day and age but prevents further comeback should the user die or become ill.

At the temperatures you've mentioned a baby would not be harmed certainly not compared to holding a radiator, grabbing an iron or touching a naked flame. The laptop would more then likely shut down first if the vents were blocked. Even 'if' the child was injured it would represent neglectful parenting in the eyes of the law not a fault on Apple's part who do not target toddlers with their products.
Isn't this why they are called notebook computers instead of laptops because your not supposed to be touching the bottom of the computer?
EricChunky said:
just want to specifically point out that i made my payment on 22th Jan and received my first macbook pro on 26th March. on 10th April a standard DVD stucked inside and i got a replacement for that, dispite the geniuse said while they took the disc out they destory all the data on the harddrive (so i wont be bothered to go back to apple stock and get my files transfered)... it take quite a while to decide whether a laptop is too hot especially when you love mac so much and won't allow yourself to admit such an expensive and elegant machine will be unacceptably hot... and then my first exam is set on 25th April and the rest will go through May.

Did they replace the whole machine or just the drive? In the time you spent with it prior to the DVD problem did you experience the excess heat? It is possible part of the product was damaged during the repair or that it needs recalibration. Download a temperature application such as X Resource Graph and keep a record of the information it gives you. After your exams are finished if you feel the machine really is too hot and your numbers are generally or excessively higher then others are getting then let Apple have a chance at fixing it under warranty. You might even get a nice logic board revision out of it :)
psycho bob said:
Did they replace the whole machine or just the drive? In the time you spent with it prior to the DVD problem did you experience the excess heat? It is possible part of the product was damaged during the repair or that it needs recalibration. Download a temperature application such as X Resource Graph and keep a record of the information it gives you. After your exams are finished if you feel the machine really is too hot and your numbers are generally or excessively higher then others are getting then let Apple have a chance at fixing it under warranty. You might even get a nice logic board revision out of it :)

because i was told it might take few days to take the disk out, i get a brandnew replacement immediatly(whole boxed machine). That was the only computer i've got at that time... and i cant live without.

apple is too smart that it already covered its tracks... none of the current app can access any sensors on macbook pro except the one on the harddisc. (segate) i've email developers of Hardware Monitor, a famous Mac saviliance system, and the answer is no, MBP use a independent cooling control system that's hard to access at software level.
This reminds me of the lady who put her dog in the microwave after a bath, and then sued the manufacturer because it killed her dog.

It seams to me like this stuff is common sense, if something is hot don't touch it, if something hurts don't do it....

Should I sue the power company because I got shocked after putting a butterknife in the outlet, or sue Mercedes because I stuck my hand in a running engine, and got it ripped off?

What do you expect apple to do, put big red burn warnings on the outside of the case. The funniest thing is your weren't even hurt, you want to sue them because they made you sweat?
Laser47 said:
This reminds me of the lady who put her dog in the microwave after a bath, and then sued the manufacturer because it killed her dog.

It seams to me like this stuff is common sense, if something is hot don't touch it, if something hurts don't do it....

Should I sue the power company because I got shocked after putting a butterknife in the outlet, or sue Mercedes because I stuck my hand in a running engine, and got it ripped off?

What do you expect apple to do, put big red burn warnings on the outside of the case. The funniest thing is your weren't even hurt, you want to sue them because they made you sweat?

if i were you, and if the butterknife cost $3000, i will sue the manufacture for watever reason that make me unhappy with the butterknife.

EricChunky said:
if i were you, and if the butterknife cost $3000, i will sue the manufacture for watever reason that make me unhappy with the butterknife.

Computers get hot, they produce heat. Apple states that their notebooks(not laptops) should be used on a flat surface.
Do not leave the bottom of the computer in contact with your lap or any surface of your body for extended periods. Prolonged contact with your body could cause discomfort and potentially a burn.
Apple portable computers comply with temperature limits set in national and international safety standards when used in accordance with the instructions in the user guide. Instructions include the advice not to place the computer on your lap for extended periods.
EricChunky said:
if i were you, and if the butterknife cost $3000, i will sue the manufacture for watever reason that make me unhappy with the butterknife.

you're totally missing the point.

first off, it makes ZERO difference how much you paid for it. If you spent 50 thousand dollars on your macbook, or 100 dollars. Money spent is not the issue. I know you feel "entitled" becuase you spent "SOOOOO" much money on it, but come on. You should take it in, explain that it feels rather warm, if they say its OK, then guess what, ITS OK ( which translates to either toughen up a bit, or use a desk, or wear pants. ) There are enough frivilous lawsuits by whiney (usually lazy) people who want a piece of what other people have.

I was actually gonna sue taco bell because they said their value menu would leave me full, and after i ate from it, i wasnt full. That is total blatent misadvertising, bait and switch unsavory business ethics!
Lebowski said:
I was actually gonna sue taco bell because they said their value menu would leave me full, and after i ate from it, i wasnt full. That is total blatent misadvertising, bait and switch unsavory business ethics!

Ahh, but did you eat every item on the menu?
I just bought a $35,000 sword. As I paid so much money, I should be able to sue the maker when I stabbed myself with it and it actually hurt me. He should have warned me, placed a sticker on it, and made it too dull to hurt. Oh wait, the sticker might have peeled off. I should sue him for not engraving it.

I did, after all, pay a lot.
I think some of you are missing the point. The reason why it is so hot is that they incorrectly applied the thermal paste. Dells don't suffer this problem and apple should step up their manufacturing practices to put less amount of grease on so that the fans actually operate. Also sticking a butter knife in a wall socket isn't exactly using the butter knife as advertised. Putting your hands on the surface of the computer in the regions of the keys and palm rests is what it is designed for. The problem isn't so much that they can't fix it, it is that they won't fix it.
Laser47 said:
Computers get hot, they produce heat. Apple states that their notebooks(not laptops) should be used on a flat surface.

you got the point... every one who wants to buy a computer should go to its manufacture's website and search through their knowledge database and reaad through every single article that is related to his/her target product...

man this is kind of new common sense...

btw.. the sword one, if you buy a $30,000 sword and intend to kill yourself, i think you can sue the company if you are still alive after proper action has taken.

afterall, without getting any advices (while , a little) , i sucessfully witnessed the power of the cult... fine. i'll keep my mouth shut for this one frm now :p
Not to be politically incorrect, but...

You are a retard.

Tell Apple that your MBP gets unbearably hot (document the temperature with your *infrared sensor*) and that it is outside allowable range. Stop whining and just return it.
EricChunky said:
you got the point... every one who wants to buy a computer should go to its manufacture's website and search through their knowledge database and reaad through every single article that is related to his/her target product...

man this is kind of new common sense...

um, when you buy a car, do you do any research, or just say the blue one?

dude, when I bought my 23" cinema displays, i read probably 50 pages on the knowledge base at

and when I bought my Quad G5, I read for a good 2 months, learning what issues might arrise along with other usefull info. Its called being an informed customer.

so funny, you are all on a high horse about you dropping 3 grand on a computer and how they should bend over backwards to keep you happy, yet in the same breath, think doing research on a large ticket item such as a computer is uncalled for as if the money is of zero importance and is totally disposable.

now i just think you deserve to get burned.

and i dont know about the "power of the cult" thing.... its more of a "you are a whiney brat" thing.

dude, go sue them. Good luck.
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