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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 30, 2014
I have just purchased MacBook Pro Retina 13" (my first Mac) and it currently runs Mavericks. I will be updating to Yosemite when it will be released because of the many cool features it offers. But I HATE the look of it, especially the flat designed dock.

Can update to Yosemite, but keep old style look for the dock with 3D icons?
If not, are there any apps I can download, that would let me customize the look of the operating system so I can still get all the features of Yosemite and the look I want.


Cdock allows you to revert back to the 3D dock:

The icons can be changed with LiteIcon:
When I first saw the comparison between the old and new dock I thought it was a step backwards and looked ugly.... but now I really love the new streamlined and bright dock and every time I boot up the old OS X I think it is ugly now.

However I prefer the old mac mail buttons (from Snow Leopard) which are coloured rather than the dull colourless ones. However maybe I will get use to this too!
That has been virtually on everyone's wish list since Lion. Sadly they still haven't brought back colored icons to the sidebars.

Oh yes and the sidebar too. It is so hard to see which are removable drives and internal. I didn't realise they had ditched the colours since Lion!

I wish there was a recommendations/feedback system and they took note.
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