i'm tired of my iphone constantly switching between 2g and 3g, especially since my area is caked in 3g. i want to turn it off. i read cydia can turn off EDGE, but i want 2g completely off, including edge. is there a program that can do this?
isn't edge data separate from voice? i don't even want my phone looking for 2g for voice service. i notice sometimes i have full bars but no edge or 3g. and i notice other times i have a strange icon that's a blue square with a white circle in it (i assume this is gprs without edge). i basically want my phone to forget about looking at anything except 3g for voice and data. is that what this program will do?
whats the point, u can turn off 3G so it uses always edge but if u want 3G u switch it on but if u get in a area without 3G it'll switch automaticly to edge