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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
not too sure about this whole thing..

so can I use it? I just got an invitation..

whats the diff between GV mobile and Google voice, or is the same thing?
not too sure about this whole thing..

so can I use it? I just got an invitation..

whats the diff between GV mobile and Google voice, or is the same thing?

GV Mobile is just the unofficial app that some guy coded, Google Voice is the name of the actual service from google. If you jailbreak the phone you can get GV Mobile through Cydia and use Google voice on the iPhone if you want. Only problem is you need to have the app open to receive calls (if your calls aren't forwarding to a cell number) as well as receive texts, there's no notification system.

I use it occasionally for a quick free text, but it sucks that I have to open the app to see if the person responded.
GV Mobile is just the unofficial app that some guy coded, Google Voice is the name of the actual service from google. If you jailbreak the phone you can get GV Mobile through Cydia and use Google voice on the iPhone if you want. Only problem is you need to have the app open to receive calls (if your calls aren't forwarding to a cell number) as well as receive texts, there's no notification system.

I use it occasionally for a quick free text, but it sucks that I have to open the app to see if the person responded.

thanks for the info..

so if I only have a cell number, and I forward the google number to my cell phone, I don't have to have the app open to receive calls right?

and if I use my cell phone as my main phone, is there really a reason for me to get it?

I think for some reason I want the app even more since apple won't let anyone use it..
I think it's out of spite..
You can use most of google voices functionality though the gv web app. It's not as good as GV Mobile, but you don't have to jailbreak to use it.
Set up gmail notifier, and use prowl and you will get a notification when someone sends a text

Yeah, but then I have to leave my computer at home on all the time in order to push the notifications. It may be worth it, but right now I don't see the point.

thanks for the info..

so if I only have a cell number, and I forward the google number to my cell phone, I don't have to have the app open to receive calls right?

and if I use my cell phone as my main phone, is there really a reason for me to get it?

I think for some reason I want the app even more since apple won't let anyone use it..
I think it's out of spite..

Yeah if Google Voice forwards to your cell you'll get the phone calls to your cell when the app is closed. But like you said, if you only have a cell phone I really don't see a point to the service, since you'll have to give everyone a new phone number that essentially just forwards to your normal cell phone, so why wouldn't people just call your cell... Now if you use the GV Mobile app and make the calls through that it will save you minutes, but that's the only useful thing i can see if you only have one phone line anyways (like I do)
Yeah, but then I have to leave my computer at home on all the time in order to push the notifications. It may be worth it, but right now I don't see the point.

Yeah if Google Voice forwards to your cell you'll get the phone calls to your cell when the app is closed. But like you said, if you only have a cell phone I really don't see a point to the service, since you'll have to give everyone a new phone number that essentially just forwards to your normal cell phone, so why wouldn't people just call your cell... Now if you use the GV Mobile app and make the calls through that it will save you minutes, but that's the only useful thing i can see if you only have one phone line anyways (like I do)

making calls through the gv mobile app doesnt use minutes? are you sure??
"Google Voice is not available in your country.
Thanks for visiting Google Voice. We're not yet open for users outside the US, but are planning to expand our service to additional countries in the future."

You don't need to jailbreak to use it. You can use Safari or if you had VoiceCentral or GVoice before they were pulled, they can still be used as long as they remain an active app on the iPhone.

I still use VoiceCentral.
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