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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004
Ok, I know this one sounds crazy, but I want to know if iDVD 4 can create a disk image which I can then transfer over to my Windows PC and burn on my Sony DVD burner.
The reason why I'm asking this is I'm thinking of trading in my iMac for a shiny new 12" Powerbook, and I can save myself $300 canadian by going with a combo drive.
I've heard of a feature in iDVD 4 that allows you to "save as archive" and a hack that allows you to save as a disk image. I want to transfer the disk image to the PC to burn it.
Any ideas on this?
And yes, I'm new to this forum. Nice to meet you all. :)
I don't think Disk Image will do the trick

I'm pretty sure that disk image wouldn't work cause I'm trying to do this on a machine WITHOUT a superdrive. So I wouldn't actually be burning a DVD in the first place, just making the image to transfer to my PC to be burnt there.
I haven't used iDVD 4 yet, but I've heard you can use it on non-superdrive equiped machines (like iBooks or combo drive Powerbooks) to make the actual iDVD file.
Has anyone used this feature of iDVD?
Right, a straight disk image won't quite work. You would need to convert it it to an ISO format disc. (wth is the right spelling of that anyway?)
I know it can be done with Toast, and there's some way to do it without toast, but I've never seen directions for it.
Has anyone else heard of this?

I'll keep looking around for more information. I just read about this disk image thing in some other thread, but I can't remember where. It said iDVD 4 works on non-superdrive equiped systems. I'm still using iDVD 3, so I don't know. I'll find a way though. Especially if it's going to save me $300 on a DVD burner I won't need.
if it needs to be an iso could you rename the extension from dmg to iso and then transfer it with ethernet since it is an image or are the file types totally different?
iDVD 4 can save your projects in disk images, but they are .dmg files, which don't work on PC's as far as I know. I think you would need to find a way to convert the .dmg to a .iso file or some other file type the PC could use.
Unzip the attached file into your home directory, it'll add an option to iDVD that lets you save as a disk image.


  • iDVD
    829 bytes · Views: 1,199
I knew there was a hack somewhere!

Thanks for the iDVD file Nermal! I knew it was out there somewhere. Does this only work in iDVD 4, or will it work with iDVD 3 as well?
Thanks for the help.
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