New of here, but this seemed like a good place to ask this question. I'm setting up a new business that will be doing 2 things. iOS development (as a side to start with) and support of individuals and businesses in my area for Apple computers and networks. I will be very specifically targeting Mac users and Mac enabled businesses. I want to call the company XX Mac Consulting, where XX will be my initials, but am worried that this is not allowed as per Apple's legal site
Sure some people on here must have set up similar things, any advice for me?
2. You may use Mac in your product name, company name, trade name, or service name provided your name satisfies the following criteria:
a. Your product is not a computer, computer system, or operating system software.
b. Your product is Mac compatible or the third party business is associated with Mac based computers.
c. Mac is used in combination with another non-generic word.
Acceptable: MacVenus MacCharlie
Not acceptable: MacCharleston MacSales
Sure some people on here must have set up similar things, any advice for me?