Hi there, im have been waiting for the new iMacs for a month or two now (I know not as long as some of you lot but yeah) and today it hit me, do I even need to wait for it?
So I am thinking, why not just buy a 2.66 ghz from the refurb store now instead of waiting for tommorow. Dual core 2.66 should be fine for me as i am on a single core 1.7 laptop now thats on its way out.
A quick question though, will it cope with playing games such as CoD4 and Spore as they are the only two games I want to play.
EDIT: Another quick question, how does the apple printer rebate work?
So I am thinking, why not just buy a 2.66 ghz from the refurb store now instead of waiting for tommorow. Dual core 2.66 should be fine for me as i am on a single core 1.7 laptop now thats on its way out.
A quick question though, will it cope with playing games such as CoD4 and Spore as they are the only two games I want to play.
EDIT: Another quick question, how does the apple printer rebate work?