OS X is a version of Unix, I think. A command interpreter, called a "shell," lets you type commands on a command line. Each time you run a program, that program gets its own shell that stops running when your program stops running. Unix is one thing. The utility programs that come with it, e.g., wc, cat, ls tr, lex, yacc, cal, ftp, tron, troff, more, prof , ed, mail, and others are utilities. I would say that strictly, Unix is made up of the kernel's programs, e.g., the programs that schedule other program, manage memory, etc.
I'm explaining these details, my friend, because I'm not sure what you mean by "Unix program." Is Unix program any program that runs on a Unix platform?
Everybody, please feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken.
Forgive me if this is a stupid question, because I am someone unknowledged when it comes to the whole OSX written with a Unix base. In XCode, it gives you an option to create a "Command-line Tool" which is still in Ojb-C, just lacks the cocoa interface. My understanding is that that command line is the Unix that underlies OSX. Does that mean that those "Command-line Tools" are actually Unix programs that I could copy and run on a Unix computer? If not, is there a way to create a Unix program in XCode, and if so, how?