I have quite a lot of offline files in iCloud and other cloud storage providers (OneDrive, Google Drive) that end up on my internal SSD at:
under ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs
Other providers:
under ~/Library/CloudStorage
Is there a reliable and robust way of storing these files on external storage that is permanently attached to a desktop Mac?
My initial thought would be to move these files and create symbolic (soft) links with something like "ln -s ~/Library/CloudStorage /Volumes/MyExtSSD/CloudStorage".
However, I'm not sure if this would work.
I thought I would ask if anyone has done this before I start to experiment
under ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs
Other providers:
under ~/Library/CloudStorage
Is there a reliable and robust way of storing these files on external storage that is permanently attached to a desktop Mac?
My initial thought would be to move these files and create symbolic (soft) links with something like "ln -s ~/Library/CloudStorage /Volumes/MyExtSSD/CloudStorage".
However, I'm not sure if this would work.
I thought I would ask if anyone has done this before I start to experiment