I have a home wireless network of a iMac and mini. Can and ipad join that network to access documents stored on my iMac?
I have a home wireless network of a iMac and mini. Can and ipad join that network to access documents stored on my iMac?
I canceled my iPad order this morning.
The inability to do network file-sharing was a deal-breaker for me.
I don't subscribe to MobleMe. There's no reason network file-sharing should have be left out in the cold.
I canceled my iPad order this morning.
The inability to do network file-sharing was a deal-breaker for me.
I don't subscribe to MobleMe. There's no reason network file-sharing should have be left out in the cold.
Hopefully this makes an impression at Apple. When I was at the Apple store picking mine up, I asked about files on network drives and all the geniuses got that deer in the headlights look. It turns out they only had a couple of hours to play with the things before the store opened and this topic didn't come up. Didn't come up? They are selling iwork for the ipad and this didn't come up? What do they think we want to do? Write our papers and make the prof read them on our ipad cuz we can't get the doggone paper off onto another device? Geez. Meanwhile, I created a spreadsheet in numbers, then went into the 3rd party app "filebrowser" to see if I could find it and copy it to the network. It wasn't there. I'll investigate later when I have more time and come back and let you know. If it turns out there is a free or low cost workaround for getting files on and off the iPad, you might decide you want to reinstate your order. But I agree that Apple blew it when it comes to handling files. I hope they don't expect me to get my iwork docs on and off the ipad using the usb cable. That is so fifteen years ago. Don't forget that the last time Apple tried to make a tablet, they got their heads handed to them by Palm. Apple has learned a lot since then but they haven't learned everything.
I canceled my iPad order this morning.
The inability to do network file-sharing was a deal-breaker for me.
I don't subscribe to MobleMe. There's no reason network file-sharing should have be left out in the cold.
I canceled my iPad order this morning.
The inability to do network file-sharing was a deal-breaker for me.
I don't subscribe to MobleMe. There's no reason network file-sharing should have be left out in the cold.
Its July 19, 2010. I just found out today that this was the case with the iPad.I echo your concerns about this, but I can hardly believe you are telling the truth here...
Did you read any of the replies in this thread?
I dont have an iPad yet but FileBrowser looks promising.It appears he read 3 (three) replies in the thread before canceling the order.