Honestly. This couldn't be more wrong. iPad is capable of so much more but some of you stubborn people refuse to see that.If all you do is browse the web and check email, yes
Honestly. This couldn't be more wrong. iPad is capable of so much more but some of you stubborn people refuse to see that.
Oh it's capable of more, but is it better or more inconvenient then a laptop? Not even close
Personally, I find the iPad more convenient than a laptop when sitting on bed, on sofa, bus, train... The fact that it doesn't have keyboard means it takes a lot less space on my lap. Of course, if you do a lot of typing, you might prefer to have a physical keyboard. It all depends on what you value more.
For some it can, for others it can't. I do a lot of RAW photo image transfer and processing so for me it can't.
I recommend to read through this forum in your own time. The questions itself has already been answered, iPads can replace notebooks for many people.If using a laptop for creating non heavy content?
Not much to go on. Too many unknowns. Do you have another system like a Mac Mini, Mac Pro, or iMac? If not, then I'd say it would be a challenge for an iPP to be a flat-up replacement for a notebook.If using a laptop for creating non heavy content?
All depends what you need it for. Search around the web, only you can decide if an iPad is enough to do everything you need to do.If using a laptop for creating non heavy content?
Is internet banking safe via iPad, If it is I'll swap to iPad no probs.
Do people go to banks still? I've used my phone and iPad for years now. The CapitalOne app is great, and I even deposit checks with it.
If using a laptop for creating non heavy content?