Hi, now we know at&t offer free wifi to iPhone user by text message verification. I have iPhone with at&t.
Does anybody know how to access internet for free from attwifi on laptop. I read something about "User Agent switch", but does anybody actually try it and worked?
Please kindly post the steps.
Actually, what am i try to say is iPhone can use Hotspot for free by receive a text message with direct link.
Did anyone used that link on a laptop and able to access internet for FREE?
Does anybody know how to access internet for free from attwifi on laptop. I read something about "User Agent switch", but does anybody actually try it and worked?
Please kindly post the steps.
Actually, what am i try to say is iPhone can use Hotspot for free by receive a text message with direct link.
Did anyone used that link on a laptop and able to access internet for FREE?