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Eagle 20

macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 24, 2019
I backup my devices to iCloud, but also try to backup via iTunes every couple of weeks. Today I offloaded unused apps on my iPad Pro, and disabled a few from syncing with iCloud to do a backup. I had disabled Calendar, Contacts, Game Center and Notes since I no longer need them on my iPad.

Unfortunately, the hundreds of Notes I needed have been completely wiped from everywhere! This did not happen with the other apps I disabled. So I have no idea what to do, I have never had anything like this happen before, and a backup will do me no good. But for giggles, I did try that too and it did not work since they update in real time. The Notes appear when I first open the app, and a few seconds later... poof, they are all gone. Whatever happened, there is not even a deleted folder to recover them from.

The Notes are important and I would like to recover them. But everything online requires software that I cannot afford to be buying.

Does anyone know of a way I can recover my Notes that does not involve having to buy software? Or are they likely gone forever? :(
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