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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 10, 2010
Does anyone else have this problem? It started happening for me as of 10.12.2.

It used to be that when you have a file (e.g. a JPG) open in Preview, you could click on the file name in the window header and edit the file name. But now, if you try this and close the file or quit Preview, it no longer works. Previously, the file would've been renamed accordingly, but currently, the file name never gets updated.

I already filed a bug report with Apple back in 10.12.2 but it's not fixed yet. Is anyone else having this problem or have a workaround?
Just tried it out and you're absolutely right. Interesting note though, if you add a tag the name change sticks... Ugh, c'mon Apple.

You'd think I'd be used to Apple's sh!tstorm by now, and I am, mostly, but I'm still so incredibly fascinated by how updates keep changing and/or breaking "standard" or "fundamental" components in the OS.
Argh. I tried the tag trick, but it still doesn't work for me. I deleted Preview's preferences and still no go. BUT I created a new user and it *does* now, to figure out what's wrong with my main User acct...sigh...
I found the cause! Whew...

The cause turned out to be a hidden setting in ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
If NSAutomaticWindowAnimationEnabled is set to NO, then the problem occurs. If I turn it back to YES or delete that setting, renaming files in Preview *works* again.

For those of you using something like TinkerToll or Onyx, the hidden setting is in the General area and is called "Animate opening windows".

Very strange that a cosmetic setting should cause this kind of problem.
I always have the BS animations turned off. How in the hell did you track that one down?
I always have the BS animations turned off. How in the hell did you track that one down?
Lots and lots of trial and error and lucky guesses, starting with noticing that deleting the *entire* Preferences folder fixes the problem, but deleting all the individual files *didn't*, and eventually making the leap that files starting with a period don't show up.
Many thanks for figuring out this issue! I was indeed able to fix it with the terminal command:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool YES
I found the cause! Whew...

The cause turned out to be a hidden setting in ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
If NSAutomaticWindowAnimationEnabled is set to NO, then the problem occurs. If I turn it back to YES or delete that setting, renaming files in Preview *works* again.

For those of you using something like TinkerToll or Onyx, the hidden setting is in the General area and is called "Animate opening windows".

Very strange that a cosmetic setting should cause this kind of problem.

I worked for me as well! Thanks a lot!
@edjusted Thank you so much. This has plagued me for past several years, where the name change IS accepted if you hit TAB after the rename, vs enter. But my muscle memory is so engrained to hit RETURN or ENTER after name change, and so 95% of time that just voids the name change. Asked in Youtube Mac Channels like "MacMost" but he had no idea, posted to "AskDifferent", which went unanswered for 8 months. Then today someone replied there, referring to this thread on macRumors.

So thankful -- then @genr17 's followup with the Terminal Command instantly solved this problem!

I was indeed able to fix it with the terminal command:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool YES


The cause turned out to be a hidden setting in ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
If NSAutomaticWindowAnimationEnabled is set to NO, then the problem occurs. If I turn it back to YES or delete that setting, renaming files in Preview *works* again.

For those of you using something like TinkerToll or Onyx, the hidden setting is in the General area and is called "Animate opening windows".

Very strange that a cosmetic setting should cause this kind of problem.
@edjusted Thank you so much. This has plagued me for past several years, where the name change IS accepted if you hit TAB after the rename, vs enter. But my muscle memory is so engrained to hit RETURN or ENTER after name change, and so 95% of time that just voids the name change. Asked in Youtube Mac Channels like "MacMost" but he had no idea, posted to "AskDifferent", which went unanswered for 8 months. Then today someone replied there, referring to this thread on macRumors.

So thankful -- then @genr17 's followup with the Terminal Command instantly solved this problem!


@quicksite: ironically, I just came back to this thread because the problem came back after I changed some settings and I couldn't remember the fix. Sigh. It's too bad Apple still hasn't fixed this.
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This still works as of Sonoma (14.4.1):

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool YES
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