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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 9, 2009
I had to re-install MySQL to 8.15 after 8.11 stopped working for apparently no reason. The only thing that had changed recently was the Mac 10.14.4 update. I'm not sure that Mac update was the culprit, but in any case, after upgrading to MySQL 8.15, I can no longer see any of my databases which were visible in 8.11.

Here's what I've tried:

1. Verified in the MySQL "Preference Pane" (under Preferences) that MySQL's 8.15 data directory was in fact:


Note: Since the MySQL Preference pane has all the paths, including the data directory, listed, the "Configuration File" text box is blank, which seems OK (that's how it was when things were working with 8.11).

2. Moved old database folders into /usr/local/mysql/data

3. Did a "chown" to make the owner _mysql ("chown -R mysql <database_name>")

Did not work. Still can't see MySQL databases.

4. Tried creating the database first, but if the data directory was moved into /usr/local/mysql/data, I got the error that the schema already exists.


Since I only have my database backup folders, I can't do a MySQLDUMP to generate SQL files (at least I don't know how to do that given that I can't see any of my old data); I just need to somehow move them into "/usr/local/mysql/data" and miraciously it seems, have MySQL see them again.

I've searched and searched and found others with the same basic problem, but none of what seemingly worked for them is working for me.

Moving MySQL data directories can't be this difficult so I must be missing something simple.

Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions or tips so I can get my data back.

- M
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