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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 29, 2009
I was having boot issues where I couldn't boot into OSX. Thought the hard drive was bad.
So I installed OSX on a flash drive, booted with that drive and used Diskwarrior to save my files.
I purchased a new hard drive and tried 100 different times to format the drive using disk utility.
It would not work. Would get input/output error and can't allocate memory error.

POSIX reports: The operation couldn’t be completed. Cannot allocate memory


POSIX reports: The operation couldn’t be completed. Input/Output error

For fun I put the old drive back in (which accord to all reports the health was fine) and that wouldn't format either.

Upon research, could be the SATA cable. Won't know until I swap the cable.

If it is the cable how was disk warrior able to communicate with the drive?

If not the cable, any ideas on why I can't format?


macrumors 601
Jun 8, 2007
For other readers: some of what's above is cross-posted at

If it is the cable how was disk warrior able to communicate with the drive?

Let's say, it was not properly able. I recently found DiskWarrior (version 4, maybe; not the most recent) reporting hardware problems with an SSD. I don't have the PDF handy but the gist was that it could not write to the device.

No comparable problem after the user replaced an internal cable.
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Oct 10, 2013
I had similar problems with the macos disk utility.

Try downloading third party partition software.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 29, 2009
Replaced the cable and was able to format the drive. Not sure if the drive was bad or just the cable or both but even with the new cable I couldn't boot but I could reformat. We are good now. Weird situation. Can I use timemachine to back up to a USB and then use that USB to restore on a new hard drive?
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