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Riemann Zeta

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 12, 2008
I am interested in jailbreaking my iPhone 3G (just JB, not unlocking) but haven't tried the whole JB procedure since the 1.x firmware series. I miss things like my mobile terminal and having a real BSD layer with complete access to the OS.

But I have been hesitant to try any of the Devteam "pwners" because of the all the reports that hacking the 2.X firmware causes slowdowns and an overall loss of performance. One observation that seems to be frequently reported is the fact that "" sucks ass on OS 2.X (and might be a cause of a lot of device sluggishness). Cydia, on the other hand, is said to be far more stable and mature (I certainly remember being impressed by Cydia back in the OS 1.X days). So, I have a couple of questions:

(1) Is it possible to QuickPwn the iPhone3G such that it only ends up with Cydia installed, not Installer?

(2) To anyone that has "pwned" an OS2.2 phone, is the overall responsiveness and speed of the phone lower? I don't plan on installing themes or wallpaper, as I know these are two huge performance drains.

Mea culpa for being such a 'n00b,' but I haven't tried to mod my phone since the release of OS2.0, so I'm way out of the scene and I haven't read a straight answer regarding the performance penalty of the newer JB protocols.
yes. you can. When you jailbreak, you will see option to choose to install boot logo, installer and cydia. pick whatever you want.

I notice my iphone slowdown a tad bit but with all the advantage my phone can do now with jailbreak, i can live with that.
Ever since 2.1, I have no noticed any slow downs. If you want to jailbreak and not get Installer (just Cydia) then you'll have to use Pwnage Tool in expert mode and tell it not to install the Installer package. It's in the custom packages section. You can also not get Cydia, but manually installing apps is a pain. Cydia is great.

As long as you don't install all sorts of leet video backgrounds and widgets and SBSettings and all these Mobile Substrate extensions, there shouldn't be any slowness.

I have OpenSSH, Winterboard, and Status Notifier installed. Those are the only things that "run in the background" and my phone is perfectly fast. I put "run in the background" in quotes, because they have what I would describe as a unified background process called "Mobile Substrate."

Jailbreaking is much more advanced than it was back on 1.x.
you can also after you quikpwn, ssh into your files and delete the
you can also after you quikpwn, ssh into your files and delete the

I have had installer since I JB , I keep hearing it's not needed, but how does Cydia install the apps etc without the installer?

Do they not work in conjuction with each other?

Maybe I am having a blonde moment here ><

I am confused over the process.
I have had installer since I JB , I keep hearing it's not needed, but how does Cydia install the apps etc without the installer?

Do they not work in conjuction with each other?

Maybe I am having a blonde moment here ><

I am confused over the process.

Installer and Cydia are basically the same thing or competition. Think of it as Mac vs PC. It's all just personal preference.
Installer and Cydia are basically the same thing or competition. Think of it as Mac vs PC. It's all just personal preference.

Ahh thank you!

I think I will uninstall Installer then as Cydia is really all I need :)
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