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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 15, 2005

I haven't logged in for a while and perhaps this has already been discussed. I apologize if so.

I bought an application. A. dictionary. Apple offers dictionaries in different languages, brand names, as well as in different sizes.

Usually when I go to a bookstore, I can compare two or more dictionaries. If I can't make up my mind at the moment, I buy the two and a couple of days later return the one that won't be useful to me.

I have tried the dictionary I got from apple, and to be honest it is not useful to me. I would love to try the other one to compare and decide which to keep. It is more likely likely, it will be the other one.

A dictionary is something one needs to be comfortable with in order to keep it.

Thank you for your thoughts and comments,

Sorry no. No returns, but at least you never have to repurchase an app if you delete it and redownload it.
I read a post by someone recently asking about what to do with their application since they'd gotten a refund (but could still use it). I'm inclined to believe that was something special offered by the producers of the app though.

I think you're SOL. Sorry.:(

I think this brings up a good limitation of the current system though.
I wish they did allow refunds. I would love to get a refund on the 125 apps that the person who hacked into my wife's iTunes account bought.

Thank you for your messages : ) !!!

It's a shame.

Kind regards,

The Android market is awesome in this regard, if you purchase an app on their you have 24 hours to decide if you like it. If you uninstall the app within 24 hours you are credited back your money.
This is a very good question you would think you could return a app after so many days.
I have already had two refunds for my app purchases. I just asked nicely and said that it was not relevant to me and did not explain this in any description. Both times they said they would do this as a one-off exception.
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