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Original poster
Aug 9, 2014
Hi, everyone!

I've been using the public beta of iOS 10.3 and I was wondering if someone could please confirm this bug that I found with the Timer in the Clock app.
I've already reported this from Beta 1 on but it doesn't seem to be getting fixed.

When the timer runs out if your phone is unlocked, there won't be an alarm sound or a notification. Instead the phone will just get locked.
On the other hand when the phone is locked and the Timer runs out, there isn't an alarm, either.

I'm on an iPhone 6s. Luckily I'm using the Timer on my Apple Watch for the most part so it doesn't bother me that much. But I can't see how a bug like this slips through.

Thanks in advance, best regards!


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
I have completed a short test using my iPhone 6s Plus and does not see the bug you mention. Alarm goes off as usual.
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Original poster
Aug 9, 2014
I have completed a short test using my iPhone 6s Plus and does not see the bug you mention. Alarm goes off as usual.

Thanks for your feedback.
"Problem" solved and kind of embarrassing. Apparently there is an option as an alarm sound to "stop playback" (at the far bottom of the options). That was activated for no apparent reason. At least I didn't activate it on purpose.

Timer working fine now and sorry for the confusion.
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