Books app:
- Chapters of an audiobook not visible until you start playing a book. You have to click the list icon in the lower left to get a list of the chapters. I'd love the main list view to have disclosure triangles so I can pick which chapter to start playing.
Music app:
- Does it still check your library for two minutes every time you launch it?
- Does it still try to upload new items you've just dragged onto the window and stop you from editing their meta tags until it has finished uploading, then refuse to change them because they don't match what's in iCloud? (I have to turn off my internet connection before I add items to be able to edit properly.)
TV app:
- Movies that have been downloaded to your Mac sometimes show the iCloud icon meaning the app doesn't think they're downloaded. You can play them, but it streams it rather than loading from your drive. You cannot just drag the file into the window to make it use that, and you cannot try to locate it because the iCloud download icon is there. You actually have to download the file AGAIN before you can interact with the file that's actually on your drive. Annoying.
- Does it still crash when you create a folder with the selected items?
- Do the rows in list view still not correctly show alternating row colours when you move files around?
- Does it still show the spinning beach ball when you try to do anything with an external drive (even over TB3?).
- Chapters of an audiobook not visible until you start playing a book. You have to click the list icon in the lower left to get a list of the chapters. I'd love the main list view to have disclosure triangles so I can pick which chapter to start playing.
Music app:
- Does it still check your library for two minutes every time you launch it?
- Does it still try to upload new items you've just dragged onto the window and stop you from editing their meta tags until it has finished uploading, then refuse to change them because they don't match what's in iCloud? (I have to turn off my internet connection before I add items to be able to edit properly.)
TV app:
- Movies that have been downloaded to your Mac sometimes show the iCloud icon meaning the app doesn't think they're downloaded. You can play them, but it streams it rather than loading from your drive. You cannot just drag the file into the window to make it use that, and you cannot try to locate it because the iCloud download icon is there. You actually have to download the file AGAIN before you can interact with the file that's actually on your drive. Annoying.
- Does it still crash when you create a folder with the selected items?
- Do the rows in list view still not correctly show alternating row colours when you move files around?
- Does it still show the spinning beach ball when you try to do anything with an external drive (even over TB3?).