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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 9, 2003
ARGGGG 2nd macbook, SAME problem. I try to run the office installer, it bounces a few times on the dock, then goes away. Exact same issue with Toast. What gives? If that isn't annoying enough, archives I try to expand with Stuff it (files like .zip.001, .zip.002, etc) "17999 Unspecified Stuffit engine internal error". (this actually worked fine on my first macbook)

All of the above at one time or another worked on a macbook. I had the same office running fine on my last macbook before it got returned. Except after a week or two, each office application (word, excel, etc.) would open--bounce on the dock and dissapear the same way as the installer.

and before you say it, im running all of the latest system software, firmware however i am unsure of.

Seriously, if i could just resolve these two issues, i'd be the biggest newbie mac enthusiast ever. WHAT GIVES! SOMEONE HELP!!!!!
CNU182 said:
ARGGGG 2nd macbook, SAME problem. I try to run the office installer, it bounces a few times on the dock, then goes away. Exact same issue with Toast. What gives? If that isn't annoying enough, archives I try to expand with Stuff it (files like .zip.001, .zip.002, etc) "17999 Unspecified Stuffit engine internal error". (this actually worked fine on my first macbook)

All of the above at one time or another worked on a macbook. I had the same office running fine on my last macbook before it got returned. Except after a week or two, each office application (word, excel, etc.) would open--bounce on the dock and dissapear the same way as the installer.

and before you say it, im running all of the latest system software, firmware however i am unsure of.

Seriously, if i could just resolve these two issues, i'd be the biggest newbie mac enthusiast ever. WHAT GIVES! SOMEONE HELP!!!!!

Did you uninstall Office Test Drive before installing Office?
CNU182 said:
i believe i just dragged it to the trash can

I'd recommend using their uninstall utility (Applications > Microsoft Office 2004 > Additional Tools > Remove Office), restarting, then running again to see if any office components are still on your computer. Then install office after that.
CNU182 said:
no one? seriously? :(
You know, it's rather early in the morning for some of us, not to mention those who have jobs--be patient, and you'll get some answers later in the day.

Anyway, the advice about the Office uninstaller is good advice--try that first. Another thing to try is creating a fresh user and see if the programs open ok there.

If neither of those things help, let's find out what's actually going wrong. Try opening the "Console" application. It's in your Utilities folder, inside your Applications folder.

Click the "Logs" button at upper left, then select "console.log" from the list that shows up. Over on the right, see if there's anything interesting looking that corresponds to the times when you try to open these programs and it fails (there's a timestamp over on the left). If so, copy it and post it here if you can.

If nothing there, cick the triangle next to "~/Library/Logs", then the one next to "CrashReporter" that apears under that (make sure you get the right one--there's also a "CrashReporter" under "/Library/Logs" which you don't want). One of the items listed should be "Word.crash.log" or something similar to that (also "Toast.crash.log" if that's not opening properly, either). Interpreting the info from these crash logs isn't something I can do (not entirely sure about the geekiest of folks here), but they should at least be there, and I'm curious.
How do i run the uninstaller if it's already gone?

I tried creating a new user to no avail.

Here's what i have.

Jul 7 13:21:20 ryan-currans-computer kernel[0]: (58: coreservicesd)tfp: failed on 0:
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices: mach-o, but wrong architecture
same reports with toast! thanks so much!
Are Office and Toast Universal...? :confused:

If that's not the issue, try a clean install of the OS. I mean, you just got it anyways, so it shouldn't be a big deal...
ham_man said:
Are Office and Toast Universal...? :confused:

If that's not the issue, try a clean install of the OS. I mean, you just got it anyways, so it shouldn't be a big deal...
I know for sure Office is susposed to run under rosetta fine..
Hmm... sounds an awful lot like something is going wrong with Rosetta, and you have a older, non-universal version of Toast. Just to confirm, go into your Applications folder and find the Toast application. Click on it and select "Get Info" from the File menu.

At the very top, it will say "Kind: Application" and then either "(Universal)" or "(PowerPC)". If Toast says "PowerPC, then you have a version older than 7.1, and you should really update to the latest, but it also means that Rosetta is not functioning properly for some reason.

Regardless, the only mention I can find of that error in a situation similar to yours is related to somebody running a program like Monolingual to save space. The problem is, this application goes around deleting ALL the PPC code on an Intel Mac, including that required to run applications in Rosetta. Did you happen to run a program like that at some point?

Regardless, an Archive and Install from the disks that came with the machine is likely to be your only fix for this. You can try creating a new user and see if that helps, and also (if you haven't already) try opening up Disk Utility and doing a "Repair Permissions" just to see if that does any good, but I'm not very hopeful.
Makosuke said:
Hmm... sounds an awful lot like something is going wrong with Rosetta, and you have a older, non-universal version of Toast. Just to confirm, go into your Applications folder and find the Toast application. Click on it and select "Get Info" from the File menu.

At the very top, it will say "Kind: Application" and then either "(Universal)" or "(PowerPC)". If Toast says "PowerPC, then you have a version older than 7.1, and you should really update to the latest, but it also means that Rosetta is not functioning properly for some reason.

Regardless, the only mention I can find of that error in a situation similar to yours is related to somebody running a program like Monolingual to save space. The problem is, this application goes around deleting ALL the PPC code on an Intel Mac, including that required to run applications in Rosetta. Did you happen to run a program like that at some point?

Regardless, an Archive and Install from the disks that came with the machine is likely to be your only fix for this. You can try creating a new user and see if that helps, and also (if you haven't already) try opening up Disk Utility and doing a "Repair Permissions" just to see if that does any good, but I'm not very hopeful.
wow i did run that program, good call, perhaps that is it
CNU182 said:
How do i run the uninstaller if it's already gone?

Whoops, I read your original post as having problems running the programs, not the installer. My bad. I think some basic disk utility maintenance is in order (repair permissions, repair disk). If that doesn't work, you can reinstall OS X or it's time for Apple Care or MS Office support :(
im almost positive monolingual is the common denominator in both macbooks!! I have to wait until i get home to try it though

i remember removing the architectures that i didnt think i needed. my own stupid fault!
CNU182 said:
wow i did run that program, good call, perhaps that is it

That's good info to have. I'm shopping for an iMac soon, and cleaning up the hard drive is probably the first thing I'd do. Thanks Makosuke!
ham_man said:
Are Office and Toast Universal...? :confused:

If that's not the issue, try a clean install of the OS. I mean, you just got it anyways, so it shouldn't be a big deal...
The last thing you should try is a clean install. :rolleyes:

if the installer is gone, you could probably just download the trial from microsoft and then use that.
CNU182 said:
wow i did run that program, good call, perhaps that is it
Not perhaps, 99% sure that's what the problem is. You must have told it to delete "unnecessary" architectures from Universal binaries. THIS BREAKS ROSETTA. DO NOT DO IT. Have a look at some of the comments on VersionTracker pointing exactly this out.

Since you're going to have to reinstall the OS anyway, you won't even need monolingual to save space--just turn off the languages you don't need during the install, and they'll never be there in the first place. Once you've tossed your Previous Systems folder, you've got a "stripped" OS install, except it will actually work. Really the ONLY reason to use an app like Monolingual is if you're too lazy to reinstall the OS without the extra languages after you first get the computer, and frankly if the space is that important you might as well spend the small amount of extra time doing it right.

So anyway, reinstall (either Archive and Install if there's stuff you want to save, or just wipe it totally and start fresh if you don't mind losing all your settings/apps/whatever), and you should be golden.

Unrelated, you do want to make sure you're using the latest, Universal version of Toast, regardless.

lilstewart said:
The last thing you should try is a clean install. :rolleyes:

if the installer is gone, you could probably just download the trial from microsoft and then use that.
Huh? He was talking about a clean OS install, which is exactly what he needs to do, not a clean install of Office, which you seemed to be thinking of.
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