The answer to the OP's question is a firm "no".
Curiosity got the better of me, so I downloaded it from Steam an hour ago. I run a Mac Mini with a 2.53GHz Core 2 Duo, 4GB of RAM and a 9400M; I booted the game, set the resolution to 1080p, and frankly, it's a bit turgid; I'd say circa 20/30 frames per second. And that's with AA and AF completely off, and reflections set to the second of three levels.
Not sure how I'll approach this. I don't really need to play it, because I own it for the 360; consider this a public service...! But seriously, it's good to have it in my Steam archive for the future when the current generation of consoles are dead and gone.
Fabulous game. Even if you have to play it with reduced settings, I think it's probably the best of its kind. Just marvellous.