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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 8, 2007
Does anyone know for certain if the foot (stand) of the new aluminum imacs can be removed? I wish to carry it on an airplane. If the foot can come off I'm sure I can pull this off. This will actually determine whether I buy it or not. I know the white plastic imacs can be opened and the foot can be removed...;)
If it's a 24" Aluminum iMac, you can remove the foot, but you'll have to come up with some sort of thin plastic card (thinner than a credit card) to do it (the VESA mount kit comes with this 'access card'). You start by tilting the screen as far forward as possible, then slide the access card (or surrogate) about 3/4" into the back of the computer at a slight upward angle, right along the top of the foot. This should release a latch. The VESA kit instructions have a warning that using anything other than the access card "could result in personal injury, and damage to your iMac". The VESA manual also gives a website ( where you can allegedly purchase a replacement access card, but the link doesn't work for me. Anyway, if you risk life and limb and manage to release the latch, you can then tilt the screen forward another 10 degrees, revealing 8 screws along the top of the foot, and the stand should then lock in place. You can then lay the iMac down and remove the screws. You need a small torx screwdriver to remove the screws. Voila, no foot.

I have no idea if the foot on the 20" is also removable, but the VESA kit is supposedly only for the 24".
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Still Unsure

I should have been more specific. It is the 20" new imac that I'm referring to. You see I want to remove the foot, but the computer in a bag, and carry it on an airplane. I simply do not want to check in my new imac to get thrown around. If I could carry the 24 I would but its simply too big to fit in the overheads of the airplane. So, forget the VESA mount, I don't even want one, but must know with absolute certainty that the 20" imac can have the foot taken off or I will not buy it. I can get a refurb 17" which I know I can get the foot off of... Thanks for the replies (in advance) :eek:
Woah. Hold up a second. You want to put your new iMac in an overhead bin for your fellow passengers to smack around??? Are you sure it will fit in the bin?

Additionally, as someone who has worked with (not for) the TSA, there is the possibility that you will be subjected to secondary screening for bringing this device through a TSA checkpoint. It is also possible that the device itself will be subject to further search. Be prepared to answer a few questions about why you are carrying an iMac. You may also be asked to boot up the unit.

WTF are you doing this for? If you are that concerned about it just ship it with insurance.
I Must Fly With It

I live in China and don't want to pay 50% more for my new imac. Its way expensive in China to get anything good so when I visit my home in Florida for winter break I want to bring an imac back with me. If I ship it they will probably hit me with major import taxes as well. So, if I can just get the foot off the dawg-on thing I can probably pull this off. If not, I'll get the 17" imac. I know that will work (but I'd prefer the 20" for obvious reasons).
The foot on the 20" will absolutely not come off. Unless you have a hacksaw :)
I don't think the hoof is meant to be removed. And as others have said, trying to shove this into an overhead bin is truly a recipe for disaster. Would you rather spend $50 on shipping or $500 on a new screen?
Some people hear must have had some very bad overhead baggage experiences. I can appreciate what you are trying to do and may try to do the same thing if I were you. I don't know, however, whether the 20" foot can be removed. Can't you call Apple?
Smash Bang Bash Crush No Imac

If I tried to ship my imac to mainland China I would be lucky to see it in 3 months, it would probably not work, and I would likely get hit with all kinds of duties amounting to hundreds of dollars if it didn't just disappear like some things I've tried to mail. I'd rather take my chances with an overhead bin. I could check it in, but then again, baggage handlers are rough with things. An imac will fit in the overhead without the foot. For sure. If the dawgon thing would come off. I called apple from China but they bounced me around too much and it was costing too much. So... The question still remains. Can the foot come off or not (without a hack saw)...
Looks like the stand for the 20 inch is removable but not as easily removable as the 24 inch. The 20 inch requires you to basically take the whole system apart before you can get to removing the stand.
These photos aren't mine, but I found them when I was trying to figure out how to fit my 24" iMac onto a small desk. I thought the VESA mount looked like a good solution so I ordered one, but as it turns out, the iMac actually fits on my desk just fine without the mount, so I never did get around to taking the foot off or attaching the mount. In any case, these photos look like a pretty clean setup (although those arms in the photo are rather pricey).
These photos aren't mine, but I found them when I was trying to figure out how to fit my 24" iMac onto a small desk. I thought the VESA mount looked like a good solution so I ordered one, but as it turns out, the iMac actually fits on my desk just fine without the mount, so I never did get around to taking the foot off or attaching the mount. In any case, these photos look like a pretty clean setup (although those arms in the photo are rather pricey).

wow that's a sweet setup !

I'd like to do that -- my 24 is on a table, and is too high. I have to lean my head back and it's literally a pain in the neck


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Hey, how about an iMac 24"

Sorry for the question but I find it too ridiculous to create a new thread for the same problem. Just a slightly different concern about delivering the iMac in the overhead bin. Mine is an 24" iMac so do you think it would fit in the bin? Of course I will take the foot out and try to cover my iMac in anti-shock material. And probably I will travel with 3 friends so there will be a highly chance that I can tell them to let me put my iMac in the bin only (they can put their stuffs on the other bins I guess)
But the question is, do you think a 24" iMac (without its foot) will fit in the overhead bin?
Most of the heavy travelers will ship their stuff home or to their destination, rather than risk taking it on the plane.

The risk of lost, stolen, or damaged items far outweighs the cost of shipping it with insurance.


Plus that little box they tell you your crap must fit into, really doesn't allow for proper packing if they decide to be asses an force you to put something fragile in the cargo area.
I honestly can't believe people are cheap enough to consider stuffing their $1500 desktops into the overhead compartments of commercial aircraft. I mean, I've seen this thread since morning, and I still can't believe it. Oh well. I'll be here (with my "ha ha" Nelson gif at the ready) when people start the amazingly stupid threads like "My iMac got crushed in the overhead bin; how much for a new screen?" or "24-inch iMac won't start after broken in two by luggage; is this covered by AppleCare?" I honestly can't wait.
I fly 100,000 miles a year for my job. I put stuff up top all the time with never an issue. You just have to be prepared to help out a fellow passenger that wants to put some stuff up there next to yours. There is a very polite way to "help" them and you then protect yourself.

He's not being cheap, he's being smart. Import duties are fierce in some countries. I can understand what he's doing.

They make that iMac carrying case, called the iLugger or something. banner ads for it on this site.
Shouldn't it take no time to get your iMac shipped to china, isn't it usually where they ship from?

P.S. Why don't you have your iMac shipped to the U.S.

And you have to be an idiot to take that on a plane in the overhead compartment.
Shouldn't it take no time to get your iMac shipped to china, isn't it usually where they ship from?

P.S. Why don't you have your iMac shipped to the U.S.

And you have to be an idiot to take that on a plane in the overhead compartment.

I once took a $20,000 1959 vintage Les Paul guitar on a plane with me and put it in the overhead rack. I think you guys must not fly very much. I fly all the time and I've never had my laptop, briefcase, luggage, jacket or 59 Les Paul every harmed in anyway. I also had a beautiful koa acoustic guitar on a plane with me for a long trip. No issues.

Maybe I'm just assuming he'll put it in some sort of cloth sleeve or case or something....

I agree with the sentiments if he's just going to let it sit up there totally unprotected.
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