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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 8, 2017
Not sure how much of this will be similar to threads discussing the iPad as a laptop replacement but I am wondering whether the iPad and iOS apps can replace Adobe apps. (For example, I noticed how the iPad has Garageband)

I am asking as I am seeing if there are alternatives before deciding on committing to an Adobe subscription
Depends which apps you use. Photoshop? Probably not, there are better apps that than on iOS. However, with the latest update, aside from being unable to (easily) get my desktop presets to mobile, Lightroom works just as well on iOS in my experience now.
What would be the best alternatives to Adobe's suite on iOS? Best Photoshop alternative, best Illustrator alternative and best Premiere alternative would probably be the most important ones for most people.

It's a fact that every Adobe software is a clunky piece of crap kept together with bubblegum and twine but it is still the most full featured and widely used set of software for photo/vector/video editing. On the desktop apps like Pixelmator, Affinity Designer or Sketch give a good run for its money when it comes to everyday image/vector editing needs but there are still some specific use cases that are not handled by those.
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it really depends on what you do. i will first DISCLAIM that no app or collection of apps has the breadth of features a program like photoshop has on an ipad. illustrator hasn't even really been touched, there are a few apps that nip at it's heels, but both these programs are so large with features, the ipad is still playing catch up. indesign? forget about it.

however, most of my personal/professional use of photoshop is for digital illustration and painting. for that specific niche, the ipad app, Procreate, fills my needs ENTIRELY. it is, in fact, WONDERFUL. i'm amazed at the attention to detail the app has. even little cheats and tricks i used to use in photoshop show up in this app and some that photoshop can't even do (perspective assist). but, again, that's just for me and my use. it depends on what your workflow is. you may be able to get by, but i feel like you'll be saying, "oh this was so easy to do in [insertapphere]!!" often.
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Depends which apps you use. Photoshop? Probably not, there are better apps that than on iOS. However, with the latest update, aside from being unable to (easily) get my desktop presets to mobile, Lightroom works just as well on iOS in my experience now.

Yeah, the lack of a good alternative to Lightroom especially like how you describe is one of the reasons why I came up with this thread

What would be the best alternatives to Adobe's suite on iOS? Best Photoshop alternative, best Illustrator alternative and best Premiere alternative would probably be the most important ones for most people.

It's a fact that every Adobe software is a clunky piece of crap kept together with bubblegum and twine but it is still the most full featured and widely used set of software for photo/vector/video editing. On the desktop apps like Pixelmator, Affinity Designer or Sketch give a good run for its money when it comes to everyday image/vector editing needs but there are still some specific use cases that are not handled by those.

Not to mention, they are kinda slow, especially Lightroom! And those apps you mentioned are not all that I want to replace

Which Adobe apps specifically?

Affinity pro is one that has caught the attention of many people, there's also Pixelmator, both of these can replace PS.

Affinity Pro is something I have been eyeing in the photography thread here too

it really depends on what you do. i will first DISCLAIM that no app or collection of apps has the breadth of features a program like photoshop has on an ipad. illustrator hasn't even really been touched, there are a few apps that nip at it's heels, but both these programs are so large with features, the ipad is still playing catch up. indesign? forget about it.

however, most of my personal/professional use of photoshop is for digital illustration and painting. for that specific niche, the ipad app, Procreate, fills my needs ENTIRELY. it is, in fact, WONDERFUL. i'm amazed at the attention to detail the app has. even little cheats and tricks i used to use in photoshop show up in this app and some that photoshop can't even do (perspective assist). but, again, that's just for me and my use. it depends on what your workflow is. you may be able to get by, but i feel like you'll be saying, "oh this was so easy to do in [insertapphere]!!" often.

Good point, I need to mention my workflow too I guess. And yeah, I am seeing whether the app(s) are good enough to cover my needs such that I don't have to go for Adobe's stuff
Some software I use on my 10.5" iPad Pro:

Sketching/Painting: ProCreate
Image Editing: Affinity Photo
Vector Creation: Affinity Designer (coming soon)
Vector Creation: Graphic
Image Organisation/DAM: Apple Photos/iCloud or Mylio
Video Editing: LumaFusion
As large as the iPad Pro may now be, no iPad I know of can do this…

2017-07-07 13.50.38.jpg

Multiple displays make my workflow much more efficient.
Some software I use on my 10.5" iPad Pro:

Sketching/Painting: ProCreate
Image Editing: Affinity Photo
Vector Creation: Affinity Designer (coming soon)
Vector Creation: Graphic
Image Organisation/DAM: Apple Photos/iCloud or Mylio
Video Editing: LumaFusion

Mylio sounds interesting, let me see...

If you use the full or most of the powerful features of Photoshop, the iPad is not there yet.

I don't think my usage is there yet

As large as the iPad Pro may now be, no iPad I know of can do this…

View attachment 709230

Multiple displays make my workflow much more efficient.

Actually I was thinking of letting my iPad Pro be a secondary display using Duet!
[doublepost=1500504338][/doublepost]Ok, I think I should be clearer on some things:

1. I am ok if the programs are still on the PC/Hackintosh instead of the iPad; I can't expect it to be that powerful.

2. That said, if there are iOS alternatives, I will like to take a look at least

3. My current workflow is usually straight to the PC, which can be a bit limiting at times especially travelling. I also want to take this chance to see if I can somehow use the iPad first.

4. Here's the Adobe apps I am interested in:
Adobe Acrobat
Premiere Pro
After Effects
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Another vote for Affinity Photo for full photo editing and LumaFusion for video editing. I wouldn't say LumaFusion is at the pro level yet but it is a very powerful piece of software for iOS and for me, easily the best video editor on the app store. Both of these apps are great value for money even though they are considered as 'expensive' by app store standards.
Sounds like I should make a decision on my iPad (yes, I just returned it. Too low capacity) and start trying out the LumaFusion at least, which means Premiere Pro and After Effects are covered?

Meanwhile, looks like I am stuck with Lightroom as I have way too many photos edited with it. Need to find something that allow me to export those XMP sideacars to elsewhere

As for the rest, I am still clueless though; can't find the time to read up more due to work
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