hmm... not sure i follow but...
On the other hand, if someone went into a golf club for the first time and talked loudly while a player was trying to take a swing, would you accept "I didn't know the rules because it was my first time here" as an excuse?
This is not just to you mate but to all the rude folks in this thread..
I guess there is really no point in arguing this. It seems you folks (the rude ones) are defending your right to be rude... i certainly dont wish to challenge your right to be nasty as well... it is your right.
If thats the way you choose to live your life then by all means
piss yourself into oblivion.
I just think its rather silly and unnecessary... i actually run professional services for my company and perform work that is highly technical. I deal with all sorts of people of varying technical abilities and experience. Aside from the fact it just makes you feel awful to be so nasty i would probably find myself in the unemployment line very quickly if i chose that route...
Well you cant get fired from life... but you certainly can find yourself very much alone and angry at yourself if you alienate everyone around you because you feel you are so much smarter and superior to them.
Some of the posters that commented after I added my post (which I intended to be my first and last! you showed me!) were simply trying to be honest and share their feelings only to be bashed again by you folks that seem very brave behind your keyboards...
Have you guys/gals ever been to a grocery store or mall or whatnot.. and seen some little old lady or maybe someone your moms age being helped kindly by someone... and you thought "gee i hope when my sister/mother/daughter/girlfriend (whoever) goes out into the world people treat them kindly ...
well its amazing how the universe slings back at you everything you put out.. If you treat people like this.. i can almost guarantee you , that one day
someone you love very dearly will be hurt and belittled in very much the same way you've done to these folks.. its a shame...
it really takes far less energy and feels awfully good to be sweet and understanding with people and just answer their questions.. (Vice being pompous, arrogant, and unapproachable) after all thats what folks go on forums for right? To look for answers and answer peoples questions?
So why are you so angry/bitter? Is this your job? Its like going to the ice skating rink and getting pissed off at the owner for keeping it so dang cold in there!
If you dont like what people are asking... maybe you should stay off the forums... Sour puss: p
Looking forward to your cunning remarks and grammatical corrections!
Please show me how really brilliant people such as you really do it
come on let me have it! Your talents truly are amazing