First and foremost, I am really looking for a yes/no answer to whether it is even possible to rename a file on a client from a server using Java, which I think was your point.
It depends.
Reasons why it depends...
You haven't identified precisely what you're trying to do on the server. You haven't identified what OS the server is running. You haven't said whether you will assume that the server already has the remote client's disk mounted or not. If the remote client is already mounted, you haven't said what you can assume the pathname on the server will be. You haven't said what access privileges the server is using. You haven't said whether multiple independent clients will be expected to connect to the server, and perform this roundabout file-renaming on themselves.
Those are just the questions that immediately come to mind for me. I could probably come up with more, given time.
I understand that problem solving is key, but I have done hours of googling and have not found a clear yes/no.
Without knowing what you googled, no response or advice is possible.
In addition to googling, my immediate earlier reply gave two specific names of commands (ls, mount) you might find useful in discovering pathnames, assuming the server itself is running Mac OS X. Sometimes you have to poke around and discover things yourself, rather than searching for what's already been discovered but might not be classified under the words you're using for it.
If the server isn't running Mac OS X (and since you haven't specified, I have no reason to assume) then you'd have to figure out what tools you can use on your prospective server to learn how network file-systems are connected, and what those pathnames might be. If that sounds like a formidable task, then re-examine your earlier estimate that roundabout renaming by RMI would be easy.
Suppose Mac OS X will be acting as your server. Start by ejecting with Finder all network disks or shares.
Enter the following Terminal commands:
Next, connect to one network disk or share. Enter the same two commands. Note the differences.
Connect to a second network disk or share, without disconnecting from the first. Same two commands again. Note any emerging pattern.
Insert a USB flash drive. Repeat the two commands. Note any changes to the pattern.
For a hypothetical directory Foo located in /Volumes, enter this command:
Does the listing have any correlation to the contents of the connected network disk, share, or flash drive named Foo?
Given the evidence observed so far, formulate a hypothesis that explains how a network disk or share might be represented as a pathname. Describe how to distinguish these from other possible mounted volumes, such as partitions or USB flash drives.
Create a simple stand-alone (i.e. non-RMI) Java command-line tool that you can use to explore this hypothesis, perhaps starting by doing something as simple as listing the contents of a directory in /Volumes/ and printing it to System.out with available read & write accessibility. Expand the tool to provide any further information available to Java classes.
Note: The above exercises are just the beginning of what you have to figure out. For example, security hasn't come up at all. It would be very bad to accidentally delete things in an important directory, just because you wrote code that blindly accepted some arbitrary pathname as a remote disk that some client asked to delete a file on.
From there, if the answer is yes, I will need to figure out the best way to do it. If it's not possible, I'm just wasting my time. Thanks again.
"Possible" is ambiguous. Possible for you? Possible for me? Possible for whom? Possible in what amount of time? Given what amount of education and effort?
Seriously, consider what you're going through right now, just trying to figure out whether the renaming is possible. All that, just to do an oddly designed self-referential file-rename that goes through a remote server and then back to itself, for no practical reason at all. Do you really need to learn how to design such complicated pointless things?
If you need an RMI project, pick a simpler one. One that you already know how to design and implement. It can still be impractical, in the sense of serving no real purpose when applied in the real world, but at least you'll know how to do it. You expected that roundabout remote renaming via RMI was going to be a simple thing to do. Now you know better.