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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 5, 2004
I know under windows's IE,
I can set "'Ignore font styles specified on Web pages' "

Can we do that for the Safari, on Mac,

Since I am using 12 inch Ibook, when the font is specified by the website to 12 point, even I set to 20 in the preference, still it is too small for me to see.

Do you guys know what is the method to fix this??

don't tell me to change the Resolution..

you could link a stylesheet in the advanced tab, but I think that you would only be able to really use one font size for EVERYTHING. If you can't read it, the annoying way to do it would just be hitting CMD + (View - Make Text Bigger)
I Would really appreciate tell me how to write

the simple CSS and link to the Safari.

I don't know how to do that.

Really obvious question which I **THINK** you answered but want to make sure anyways....

in safari..

Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Is "Never use font size smaller than ___" checked? Is the font size high enough?

I think you answered this, but it never hurts to mention it.
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