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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 26, 2004
When will we see assignment 13?

They are great for testing our photographic skills and our perception of the topic we all voted for.


macrumors 68000
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I agree, I think we should get assignments more often. Say every month or quarterly. At the moment it seems to be only coming up every half year. :(


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 26, 2004
The last post to assignment 12 was on the 05-06-2007, 05:40 PM. This proves that people have given up with this assignment.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
The last post to assignment 12 was on the 05-06-2007, 05:40 PM. This proves that people have given up with this assignment.

Everyone else wants an assignment, doesn't take charge, but then complains when someone actually does... What has happened is: Applespider has pretty much stopped posting here, and I didn't want any crap for starting up an assignment like I did last time. And why did complaints get directed at me? Because I decided to stick with the rules we ALL decided on together (ok, maybe not any of you...), while 1 or 2 people thought they should be able to "bend" the rules as they see fit.

I may start one up for next month if there's any interest, since the babies don't post here anymore, anyway...


macrumors 6502
Sep 6, 2005
Bath, UK
How about a strict assingment and a secondary thread for people who want to bend the rules, post pictures from outside the time limit?

To post on the stirct one you'd need to upload or post exif data, but how about having the incentive that for your trouble we could have a public vote for a winner and runner up (no prizes involved apart from a warm fuzzy feeling)


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
Abstract's Coronation

Everyone else wants an assignment, doesn't take charge, but then complains when someone actually does... I may start one up for next month if there's any interest, since the babies don't post here anymore, anyway...

I've been very busy at work & home, so have been unable to contribute much lately. Nevertheless...

In the absence of anyone else clearly willing to volunteer right now to do the work, I hereby annoint Abstract as the :apple: King of Assignment #13 :apple:

If Applespider (or anyone else) objects, they are immediately volunteering themselves to be the organizer for Assignment #14 :D If we somehow get a glut of volunteers, they will be organized on a rotational first come, first served basis.

Your Magesty, for Rules - just pick whatever you like; you're in charge.

Your Magesty, for Topics - I forget how we were doing this in the past, but you are King #13, so you can do whatever you like. This humble servent suggests "Heat" for consideration (unless we've done it before).



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 26, 2004
Here is your crown.



macrumors 6502a
Apr 18, 2003
RI -> CA -> ME
There was some discussion a few months ago about Spring or Emergence (so as not to limit it to the Northern Hemisphere) but it went no where.

I agree, Abstract, if you are willing to come up with a topic (the Heat idea sounds like it could be pretty interesting) I will join in.
Need to get off my butt and take more pictures. :(


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I've been very busy at work & home, so have been unable to contribute much lately. Nevertheless...

In the absence of anyone else clearly willing to volunteer right now to do the work, I hereby annoint Abstract as the :apple: King of Assignment #13 :apple:

If Applespider (or anyone else) objects, they are immediately volunteering themselves to be the organizer for Assignment #14 :D If we somehow get a glut of volunteers, they will be organized on a rotational first come, first served basis.

Your Magesty, for Rules - just pick whatever you like; you're in charge.

Your Magesty, for Topics - I forget how we were doing this in the past, but you are King #13, so you can do whatever you like. This humble servent suggests "Heat" for consideration (unless we've done it before).


Ok, I did NOT see this crazy post before I posted the other thread. ;)

I didn't mean to vent. Ok....I sort of did. :eek: I just don't want people to tell me that I appointed myself as the guy in charge when we voted for the rules a forum.......and yet prominent people in this forum feel that the rules can be broken if they really want. Which is it --- do we have rules or not? I can't actually enforce rules because I can't delete posts or edit them, but I still think we should all, in good grace, follow the rules we thought of together.

THEY'RE RIGHT HERE, and have been sticked here for over a year. That way, there's no arguing, or a need for it.

There was some discussion a few months ago about Spring or Emergence (so as not to limit it to the Northern Hemisphere) but it went no where.

I remember that. However, I highly suggest that you put this topic idea in the other thread. We end up voting on a topic in a few days or so. ;)
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