Very new to Numbers. If there a way to do conditional functions? For example, can I program an entire line to become shaded in red if the value in a specific cell on that line drops below a certain level?
Yeah, that will work for a single cell. But what about an entire line? For example: can a line become shaded in red if the value in a specific cell on that line drops below a certain level?
Yeah, that will work for a single cell. But what about an entire line? For example: can a line become shaded in red if the value in a specific cell on that line drops below a certain level?
Sure, assuming by "line" you mean a row or column, just select the range and apply the conditional formatting rule to that range. In this example, the red column rule was less than 8, and the blue row was less than 12. If you meant something else, I can help you better if you provide a simplified example.
EDIT: On further thought, I suspect what you might be after is what's called "apply conditional formatting to a row based on a cell value, something that's not too hard in Excel. It may be doable in Numbers, but without putting in a lot of time, I'll instead point you to an Excel example that you may be able to adapt to Numbers (in case it's possible).