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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 24, 2005
Orange County, CA
After reviewing some recent post on this subject I recalled a URL that runs ads for 2K upgrades. It made me have fond memories of when I first got my Pismo & it was a rule that 512k was the max ram it could take. Once the 512k sticks were out I have been running 1024 ever since! I have two Imacs that are reportedly within the "upgrade zone" of 2K. Has anyone done this or had this done before? Here is the URL:
They offer a kit for most of the >800 MH Imacs. :cool:
Early iMac G4 models (700/800 MHz) seem to max out at 1GB; early 1 GHz models, 1.5 GB; later (USB 2) models, 2 GB.
iMeowbot said:
Early iMac G4 models (700/800 MHz) seem to max out at 1GB; early 1 GHz models, 1.5 GB; later (USB 2) models, 2 GB.

Does anyone know of any apple documentation which actually shows that the later models can support 2GB? So far the only place I've actually seen an iMac G4 w/ 2GB advertised was on eBay, so I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not. If you can truly get 2gigs in there I think I might have to give it a try, I just don't want to waste the money on something that wont work or could hurt the iMac. I'd at least get a 1 gig stick to put in the user accessible slot if its possible.
The iMac G4s that take PC133 RAM are limited to 1 Gb total (2 x 512)

The iMac G4s that take DDR RAM can take a maximum 2 Gb.

The user accessible socket is a SODIMM. The internal socket is a DIMM, but it is advised that a technician install it.

Apple has not published this change to the specification, as far as I know.
CanadaRAM said:
The iMac G4s that take PC133 RAM are limited to 1 Gb total (2 x 512)

The iMac G4s that take DDR RAM can take a maximum 2 Gb.

The user accessible socket is a SODIMM. The internal socket is a DIMM, but it is advised that a technician install it.

Apple has not published this change to the specification, as far as I know.

Ok, now Im regretting getting the 512 MB stick the other month, but this is so tempting I think I might have to order one 1 gig stick at least. Im a bit hesitant getting the internal slot filled with a bigger stick of ram since from what I heard you have to kind of tear it all apart and solder it in? Not that I don't trust the apple genius', but um I don't really think I want to take the chance, plus my nearest apple store is well, really far away.
I'm currently running a 1gb stick in the user accessible SO-DIMM slot, and the factory 256MB in the internal slot, for a total of 1.25GB RAM. I would assume a GB would work in the internal slot, but I don't want to void my AppleCare by accessing it. (1ghz G4 w/DDR memory)

According to MacTracker, the 1ghz models max out at 1.5GB.
If you have an iMac with PC133 RAM in it then the max amount of RAM you can have is 1GB. There's no such thing as a 1GB PC133 DIMM, unless its ECC RAM, which won't work with your iMac.

For most things, 1GB is more than enough RAM for anyone. If you need more than 1GB, then you probably need a more capable Mac anyways.
iPoster said:
I'm currently running a 1gb stick in the user accessible SO-DIMM slot, and the factory 256MB in the internal slot, for a total of 1.25GB RAM. I would assume a GB would work in the internal slot, but I don't want to void my AppleCare by accessing it. (1ghz G4 w/DDR memory)

According to MacTracker, the 1ghz models max out at 1.5GB.

MacTracker is wrong. I used to have a 17" 1 Ghz model w/DDR RAM that I tore apart to put in a 1GB module in the internal slot, along with a 120 GB drive, and a 1 GB module in the user slot for a total of 2 GB.
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