Can my work computer pick up my phones browsing history when I am working from home and they are connected to my personal wifi? My laptop is connected VPN at home.
Maybe I am reading too much into your question - but is that something that you want? Or, don't want?
Wow - don't EVER use your phone for private stuff while you are at work. I'm sure the company can see everything that you do through the webcam on your work laptop. They can see what you text, too.
I'm pretty sure they don't want you using your phone while you work from home, eh?
(Nah, your VPN is pretty secure, and doesn't - somehow - include access to other devices that happen to be using the same wifi network. )
They could be tracking your usage some other way, say, if they have device management software installed on your phone (like mobile iron or Cisco). But snatching your browsing activity off of a secured network? Unless you work for the NSA I believe the answer is "nope".