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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 12, 2010
I want to see my code/project pictured in a visual chart (flowchart) form. Does XCode have a way to do this for my entire project?
XCode can't, but if you take your xcode project file and have OmniGraffle installed you can drag the project file over the OmniGraffle icon in your dock and it will map out all of your classes/delegates/protocols/etc. in a cool interactive graphic

Also, your code should be written in a way that doesn't have a predetermined 'flow'. The execution is based on user interaction and other events, so it wouldn't make sense to map it out into a flowchart
Storyboards show the flow of your UI pretty well...

Core Data can show the "flow" of your data pretty well...
adding a plus 1 that it would be good it xcode could generate a similar class map to the core data map it would be good.

Sometimes you just need to be able to look at a problem a different way to see the solution.

Might have to buy Omnigraffle now or and send Apple feedback.
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