Of course, why wouldnt u be able to?
Hello ,
I recently bought an iphone 3gs and i don't know when is better to charge it.
Since now I am charging it when it tells me that there 20% of the battery left.
Can I charge it whenever I want Yes, even if the battery is almost full Yes, but better to charge below 80%, or I will damage the battery??? No, you only potentially damage the battery if you let it discharge to off frequently.
When I am charging it does it have any matter if the iphone is open , or not??? No.
Thanks a lot for the advises , but you put me in thoughts if there is any problem with the software , something that I dint have in mind before read your message.
The problem is that I don't know if there is any problem with my software....
When I am use applications that reduce my battery really fast ex. if i play with a game application for 2-3 hours my battery is gonna be around 50%-60% (from full) maybe and lower , and wifi and 3g will be closed and the lighting normal and the sound normal...
If I am not use application my battery life is OK , at list I think so because it last for very long.....
Is normal for the battery to reduce so fast from the applications???
And if there is any problem with the software how can i do the restore and how the backup???
Just a question,. What application are you using? If its an application based on 3D its normal that the battery is getting low rlly soon..
this thread was open to discuss charging when off for iphone 3G back in 2008.. and you are talking about iphone 6s plus (especially plus lol) every one knows that iphone can charge when of nowadaysLook like 6s plus can charge while phone is off but no screen indication is is charging