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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 24, 2013
Not sure what it's called but it's when the end of the song comes the beginning of the next song plays and overlaps it, on spotify you can set it by seconds
Crossfade is the correct term and I have not seen it. Miss that and hope it comes around before too long.
It's the one thing I miss in iOS music since the first iPhone. iTunes had it for so long.
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You cannot. I agree - would love to see this feature. Of the streaming apps thus far only Tidal, Spotify, and Deezer offer this functionality.
Maybe they don't allow it because when the next song starts to overlap that count as a play they have to pay for, even if the user changed the track having heard a few seconds of the over lap.
I have cross fade on in iTunes and I have no problem with tracks that are mixed together and on the iPhone it works fine also even though there isn't a cross fade option. The option to chose gapless album should be auto now on I tested with Apple Music where tracks that are mix tested with Armin Van Buuren ASOT 600 where the tracks are mixed and does not the have single track mix and I had no gap issue.
I know wtf!

Yet again, when you listen through the songs of an album (especially one that has cross fades already), you want the tracks to play seamlessly. I realise that this statement shows my age: yeah, I will listen to a whole album!

In iTunes on OS X, the crossover time is easily configurable. Why not under iOS? Hopefully because Apple recognise that neither is right for all occasions... and they're working on it!

I'm not holding my breath for that to happen though. It's not like this is a new issue, and I just signed up to iTunes Match -- so learning first hand how the current offering works.
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I know wtf!

Hasn't changed !! Just no shortcut
Just click on iTunes Tab at the top and then preferences and then on playback

0-12 second crossfade option
There is also a sound enhancer feature and also "sound check" which equalizes the volume of tracks

Hope this helps
I know wtf!
Guess what...its now November 2016 and STILL no cross-fade on Apple Music. I don't understand why this is not available, the gaps between tunes is just annoying. And its not as if Apple let other 3rd party apps to create playlists such as the brilliant Pacemaker app.
Guess what...its now November 2016 and STILL no cross-fade on Apple Music. I don't understand why this is not available, the gaps between tunes is just annoying. And its not as if Apple let other 3rd party apps to create playlists such as the brilliant Pacemaker app.

Seriously so annoying. Let's write Tim Cook!
Maybe they don't allow it because when the next song starts to overlap that count as a play they have to pay for, even if the user changed the track having heard a few seconds of the over lap.

I believe that a song has to play for a certain amount of time before it is counted as a play, in case of fluke circumstances just like you mentioned. Regardless, it would be a nice feature to have.
Not sure what it's called but it's when the end of the song comes the beginning of the next song plays and overlaps it, on spotify you can set it by seconds
I do it w my ipod which gives you that option. Awesome option btw.
Prefer ipod then sucking up storage w music on iphone.
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