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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2022
So I have had this problem with several versions of MacOS, so I think it's my mail account that is causing some issues, but I use a normal gmail account, so that should mean a lot of people should have this problem.

Problem: Whenever mail app stays on for too long (I think it happens more often if the Mac is put to sleep while it being on) it starts using a lot of cpu (103+%). The MacBook gets hot without really doing anything and it drains battery, so I would like to fix this problem now :)

The Mail app from apple has the smoothes UI of any mail app I have used, so I would really like to continue using it, but I'm starting to get frustrated that I always have to remember to quit (cmd+q) the app when I'm finished. Normal closing (red x/cmd+w) makes this problem happen every time.

I have tried rebuilding the mail box.

Thanks for your help :)

If you need I can supply pictures of the problem cpu usage etc


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Since gmail was first introduced, Mac users have had problems with and connecting to gmail.

My suggestions:
- Quit mail when not using it.
- Use something else (an app other than to connect to gmail...


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2022
Okay. That's what I have been doing. Thanks :) I hoped for a better solution, though :/


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
On which model Mac is this happening…and in what version of macOS?

As a test, did you take the Gmail account "offline" in Mail to see if the issue still exists?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2022
Macbook 2020 Pro (Not a M1) I keep MacOS updated, so right now it's 12.6. It's been a problem for a long time, though

Gmail is my main account, so haven't tried removing it.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2022
Ok…meaning that's your only Mail account, I suppose?

No, I have another mail account too, but if it's my main that causes the problem (which it sounds like it does) and there is no known fix, then I will work around the issue by quitting or using outlook.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
No, I have another mail account too, but if it's my main that causes the problem (which it sounds like it does) and there is no known fix, then I will work around the issue by quitting or using outlook.

I'm trying to help you pinpoint the issue. You sounded like you didn't know for sure or not if it was the Gmail account causing the problem. The first test would be to disable the Gmail account, run the Mail app with only the other email account for an appropriate period and then see if it still happens. You know…using the scientific method to some extent.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2022
I'm trying to help you pinpoint the issue. You sounded like you didn't know for sure or not if it was the Gmail account causing the problem. The first test would be to disable the Gmail account, run the Mail app with only the other email account for an appropriate period and then see if it still happens. You know…using the scientific method to some extent.

Okay. I will try :) It just sounded from the first response that gmail was the issue and is for many Mac users. I will disable it and see if I get the same problem if it's disabled.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2022
Same happens with my school mail, which was added through that outlook setting. That's interesting!


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2020
For me it started after 12.6. Never hand any issues but recently after sleep the mail app is 100% and got some popups "enter password for my exchange accounts". I have an gmail account added as well (3 exchange acc, 1 gmail) but before i never had this problem. i have even to force quit the mail app...


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2022
Hello guys. I just want to update you. I JUST found out what the problem is. Well, I'm like 99% sure.

So I was told by Apple support to boot the Macbook up in safe mode (might be called something different in English, I just translated it) and see if I could make the problem happen there too - it didn't, so at that point I figured the mail app and the mail accounts weren't the problem.

I started thinking about installed programs that might cause this and set my eyes on AdGuard - and when the problem with the mail was happening (101%cpu, 80°C temp), I quit AdGuard and suddenly I received incoming mails and the Mail app was back to 2% usage or something and the temperature dropped.

I find AdGuard to be extremely useful and time saving, so I'm now trying to make AdGuard not intervene with my Mails at all, instead of deleting the program.


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2020
I find AdGuard to be extremely useful and time saving, so I'm now trying to make AdGuard not intervene with my Mails at all, instead of deleting the program.
I have adguard as well. And its one of my suspicion as well.
What i did now is preferences -> network -> application and disable mail.
Until now i had no 100% cpu usage anymore. But i have to monitor this the next days.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2022
I have adguard as well. And its one of my suspicion as well.
What i did now is preferences -> network -> application and disable mail.
Until now i had no 100% cpu usage anymore. But i have to monitor this the next days.
That seems to have done it for me!! ^_^ Thanks!

I've had no problems since I changed this option and this would have happened by now with the mail app open all the time.

Problem considered: SOLVED! :D
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