My grand niece is young and keeps messing up her stuff as changed passwords without writing it down.
So I tried to reset her 5c last nite.
On phone says "phone disabled connect to itunes"
OK so connect to itunes....
then itunes says "please unlock iphone with passcode"
Turns out she forgot her passcode and entered it wrong more than 6 times, a fact she left out when I asked what went wrong.
She knows her apple login and we checked online the 5c is there in her icloud account but it has NEVER synced with icloud.
Can we get around this?
I tried alsorts for 4 hours last nite on my mac and her mums laptop to which she has used to put music on phone.
However there are no backups for the iphone on the laptop.
Can an apple store or officail apple reseller store remove this passcode lock?
She has already stuffed a 5th gen ipod as it has find my iphone turned on and she does not know the email account it is linked to.
Has she now stuffed her phone too?
So I tried to reset her 5c last nite.
On phone says "phone disabled connect to itunes"
OK so connect to itunes....
then itunes says "please unlock iphone with passcode"
Turns out she forgot her passcode and entered it wrong more than 6 times, a fact she left out when I asked what went wrong.
She knows her apple login and we checked online the 5c is there in her icloud account but it has NEVER synced with icloud.
Can we get around this?
I tried alsorts for 4 hours last nite on my mac and her mums laptop to which she has used to put music on phone.
However there are no backups for the iphone on the laptop.
Can an apple store or officail apple reseller store remove this passcode lock?
She has already stuffed a 5th gen ipod as it has find my iphone turned on and she does not know the email account it is linked to.
Has she now stuffed her phone too?