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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 18, 2007
I want to jailbreak my iphone, but only want Cydia and DON'T want Installer. Is there any way of doing this whilst keeping my baseband as 02.30.03?

What should I use? Pwnage or QuickPwn (I'm using a mac)?
And this will still keep my baseband as 02.30.03, as I just want to jailbreak, and don't want to unlock?
Sorry to ask another question, but it didn't ask me if I was using an official carrier?

There is a ticked option in General Settings to 'Activate iPhone'. Should that be ticked?
Okay, so will make a new ISPW without checking activate iPhone, so that will preserve my baseband?
Okay, so will make a new ISPW without checking activate iPhone, so that will preserve my baseband?

Actually to be safe I would just check the activate phone option. Because that prevent the baseband update for sure. I've never used pwnage tool without checking the activate box, so I'm not sure. But you could probably pull up an answer for that easily on google :)
Checking the Activate box when you've no need for Hactivating will cause problems such as no signal, unable to call etc.

And why do you need to preserve the baseband if you're not unlocking?
I want to keep the same baseband as 2.2.1, not preserve the 2.2 baseband. I guess I wasn't very clear about that.
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