I want to jailbreak my iphone, but only want Cydia and DON'T want Installer. Is there any way of doing this whilst keeping my baseband as 02.30.03?
What should I use? Pwnage or QuickPwn (I'm using a mac)?
And this will still keep my baseband as 02.30.03, as I just want to jailbreak, and don't want to unlock?
Sorry to ask another question, but it didn't ask me if I was using an official carrier?
There is a ticked option in General Settings to 'Activate iPhone'. Should that be ticked?
Okay, so will make a new ISPW without checking activate iPhone, so that will preserve my baseband?
I want to keep the same baseband as 2.2.1, not preserve the 2.2 baseband. I guess I wasn't very clear about that.