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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 20, 2007
I'm thinking about buying a Iphone but I'm worried that if I jailbreak it and Apple does a update will my phone get bricked? I want all the third party apps but don't want my phone bricked in the future!! Can someone help this soon to be Iphone owner?
I am sort of in the same problem I have a hacked iphone but there is no clear way remove the jail break. If you have one running at 1.1.1 out of the box then you can just restore and the hack goes away(I think). 1.0.2 you have to install SSH and mount it on you computer you then can remove all apps. so it doesn't look like it is hacked. Next take it to the apple store and have them restore it so if it bricks they don't know you hacked and you get a new iphone because they broke yours. Just make a story about how it isn't working and you computer won't recognize it so they need to restore. make sure to just leave it with them don't watch them do it because when you get it back you can say why can't I make calls? say they screwed it up then they will give you a new one. unbricking service is $100 from a different company.
(you cant just restore a 1.0.2 because it doesn't completely remove the hack so it still gets bricked)

p.s. I don't recommend hacking the apps. aren't that useful and the native apps. come out in February I say just stay at apples firmware. But if you need the apps. hack with caution.
Aloha everyone,

I think you're just confused on jailbreaking the iPhone as opposed to unlocking the iPhone. I've successfully jailbroken my iPhone after every firmware update, and a simple Restore from within iTunes removes all 3rd party apps and "restores" the iPhone back to factory specs for that particular firmware. You will have to wait for the iPhone to re-download all of the music, video, etc... that is normally synced from within iTunes, however, so that may take a few minutes.

While I can implicitly condone jailbreaking the iPhone, I do NOT, in any way shape or form, condone unlocking the iPhone. The reason is simple - Apple has partnered with AT&T to produce the iPhone, so it is within their purview to brick your iPhone if you deign to use it with another carrier. After all, in the US, you can ONLY use it with AT&T or T-Mobile, as they are the only two GPRS cell phone companies in the states - the others use CDMA, which is incompatible. In other words, even if you unlocked your iPhone, you can NOT use it with Sprint, Nextel, Alltel, etc... It can ONLY work with AT&T or T-Mobile, period.

Furthermore, because Apple is making their money by partnering with AT&T, and you HAVE to modify the modem baseband firmware to unlock the iPhone, it is fairly simple for Apple to tell that the iPhone has been modified. As it is in their interest to prevent such, it should not be surprising that they would go to any lengths to prevent unlocking, even so far as bricking unlocked iPhones.

As for 3rd party applications, Apple has already come out and said that while they don't officially support jailbreaking the iPhone for 3rd party app installation, they basically don't care if the users install them, although future firmware updates may (read: probably will) break and/or wipe out the apps. That's the risk all of us hackers take - that the next update will render our hacks unusable or deleted.

In summary, as long as you're only installing 3rd party apps, go for it. You can very easily remove ALL traces of hacking by simply restoring the iPhone from within iTunes. I would NOT, however, do the downgrade from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2 then back up to 1.1.1 (the iNdependence method), as it is unduly complicated, thus introducing, IMHO, too many points of failure. If you go to, you can download a simple app to jailbreak your iPhone and install 3rd party apps. As I mentioned before, you can simply Restore the iPhone to go back to 1.1.1 goodness, if you so desire.

Aloha everyone,

I think you're just confused on jailbreaking the iPhone as opposed to unlocking the iPhone. I've successfully jailbroken my iPhone after every firmware update, and a simple Restore from within iTunes removes all 3rd party apps and "restores" the iPhone back to factory specs for that particular firmware. You will have to wait for the iPhone to re-download all of the music, video, etc... that is normally synced from within iTunes, however, so that may take a few minutes.

While I can implicitly condone jailbreaking the iPhone, I do NOT, in any way shape or form, condone unlocking the iPhone. The reason is simple - Apple has partnered with AT&T to produce the iPhone, so it is within their purview to brick your iPhone if you deign to use it with another carrier. After all, in the US, you can ONLY use it with AT&T or T-Mobile, as they are the only two GPRS cell phone companies in the states - the others use CDMA, which is incompatible. In other words, even if you unlocked your iPhone, you can NOT use it with Sprint, Nextel, Alltel, etc... It can ONLY work with AT&T or T-Mobile, period.

Furthermore, because Apple is making their money by partnering with AT&T, and you HAVE to modify the modem baseband firmware to unlock the iPhone, it is fairly simple for Apple to tell that the iPhone has been modified. As it is in their interest to prevent such, it should not be surprising that they would go to any lengths to prevent unlocking, even so far as bricking unlocked iPhones.

As for 3rd party applications, Apple has already come out and said that while they don't officially support jailbreaking the iPhone for 3rd party app installation, they basically don't care if the users install them, although future firmware updates may (read: probably will) break and/or wipe out the apps. That's the risk all of us hackers take - that the next update will render our hacks unusable or deleted.

In summary, as long as you're only installing 3rd party apps, go for it. You can very easily remove ALL traces of hacking by simply restoring the iPhone from within iTunes. I would NOT, however, do the downgrade from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2 then back up to 1.1.1 (the iNdependence method), as it is unduly complicated, thus introducing, IMHO, too many points of failure. If you go to, you can download a simple app to jailbreak your iPhone and install 3rd party apps. As I mentioned before, you can simply Restore the iPhone to go back to 1.1.1 goodness, if you so desire.


^ what he said, as long as you are just adding 3rd party apps, just restore b4 and update and you'll be fine
(you cant just restore a 1.0.2 because it doesn't completely remove the hack so it still gets bricked)

I'm confused.
I have 1.0.2 hacked with AppTapp, and iTunes version still 7.3.2, so it never shows there is 1.1.1 when I connect the phone. I thought if I restore it on iTunes, I would have clean 1.0.2? Also, my understanding is that the phone doesn't brick even if you upgrade to 1.1.1 without cleaning up the hack on 1.0.2 (Different story if you "unlocked"). All the hacks (not unlocks), either 1.0.2 or 1.1.1, would be wiped once you do restore firmware on iTunes, am I right?

Could someone clarify? I'm planning to update to 1.1.1 with independence.
I'm confused.
I have 1.0.2 hacked with AppTapp, and iTunes version still 7.3.2, so it never shows there is 1.1.1 when I connect the phone. I thought if I restore it on iTunes, I would have clean 1.0.2? Also, my understanding is that the phone doesn't brick even if you upgrade to 1.1.1 without cleaning up the hack on 1.0.2 (Different story if you "unlocked"). All the hacks (not unlocks), either 1.0.2 or 1.1.1, would be wiped once you do restore firmware on iTunes, am I right?

Could someone clarify? I'm planning to update to 1.1.1 with independence.

A) Even if a restore didnt completely remove the hack it wont get bricked because it not unlocking and jailbreaking doesnt damage the firmware or whatever like unlocking does, B) If you are still a little scared, when you restore just click set up as a new iphone and you'll be ok, C) i didnt know you can upgrade using independence but my best bet would be restore in itunes (when you click restore itunes should say its going to restore and install 1.1.1) and then use ijailbreak and you'll be good to go, as long as you have not unlocked your iphone (using a different carrier other that at&t) jailbreaking doesnt do anything a simple restore wont fix
Aloha Bernie-Mac and hxe3333,

If you notice, hxe3333 mentioned that he's on iTunes 7.3.2 (unless that's a type and he meant to type 7.4.2). If your iPhone is on firmware version 1.0.2 and you're running iTunes 7.4.2, you'll see the upgrade availability to 1.1.1 for the iPhone, but you must be running the latest version of iTunes.

Bernie-Mac, there is a very long, very complicated way to downgrade the firmware of the iPhone from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2, then back up to 1.1.1 after installing SSH and AppTap (once the app itself has been extracted from the dmg file), but it is overly complicated for practical use. I was thinking of going that route, but decided that I was a bit too lazy and just wanted to wait for an easier way :D

Thanks for reply. I have it clear now.

So now, my only problem is all I have are pbg4 and imac g5 (and 7100 if anyone knows :p). I might have to wait if independence solution don't work for me. In the mean time, I requested this bryan guy a ppc version. Hope he's not tooo busy.
Aloha Bernie-Mac and hxe3333,

If you notice, hxe3333 mentioned that he's on iTunes 7.3.2 (unless that's a type and he meant to type 7.4.2). If your iPhone is on firmware version 1.0.2 and you're running iTunes 7.4.2, you'll see the upgrade availability to 1.1.1 for the iPhone, but you must be running the latest version of iTunes.

Bernie-Mac, there is a very long, very complicated way to downgrade the firmware of the iPhone from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2, then back up to 1.1.1 after installing SSH and AppTap (once the app itself has been extracted from the dmg file), but it is overly complicated for practical use. I was thinking of going that route, but decided that I was a bit too lazy and just wanted to wait for an easier way :D


Yes I have 7.3.2, so it never shows 1.1.1 update. Once I decide to go 1.1.1 on iPhone, I have to upgrade to iTunes 7.4.2, but till then, I thought I rather not get bother by iTunes saying I should upgrade.
I'm thinking about buying a Iphone but I'm worried that if I jailbreak it and Apple does a update will my phone get bricked? I want all the third party apps but don't want my phone bricked in the future!! Can someone help this soon to be Iphone owner?
Wait until February.

Yes, you'll have to deal with all the people getting excited over this or that app. Blog sites are reporting mostly because of the halo affect the iPhone is giving the 3rd party app topic. It's fun exciting news. --But wait for it. If you have a pristine iPhone with and can just wait a few months, you'll have all the apps you can shake a stick at. Why wait...? If for some reason, you're iPhone dies or bricks, and you have 3rd party apps installed by a jailbreak all over it... you're kind of screwed, unless you can manage to fix it yourself.

If you think that will never be a problem (you're iPhone is running super-fine, and your somewhat good with instructions and getting technical info on things like firmware downgrades and SSH/SFTP) then maybe you should go ahead and enjoy a few months of good times. Personally, I've decided I'll stick to being eligible for support for this first generation iPhone, and not being caught in the off situation where my phone won't work, and I can't seem to restore it before bringing into the shop.

~ CB
Aloha Bernie-Mac and hxe3333,

If you notice, hxe3333 mentioned that he's on iTunes 7.3.2 (unless that's a type and he meant to type 7.4.2). If your iPhone is on firmware version 1.0.2 and you're running iTunes 7.4.2, you'll see the upgrade availability to 1.1.1 for the iPhone, but you must be running the latest version of iTunes.

Oh i didnt notice that my bad

Bernie-Mac, there is a very long, very complicated way to downgrade the firmware of the iPhone from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2, then back up to 1.1.1 after installing SSH and AppTap (once the app itself has been extracted from the dmg file), but it is overly complicated for practical use. I was thinking of going that route, but decided that I was a bit too lazy and just wanted to wait for an easier way :D


Yeah i saw that downgrade method and was like "" so i just waited and used the ijailbreak which worked like a charm
Thank you for all the useful info!!! I'm going to purchase my Iphone tomorrow!!! I think I'm going to see how long I can go with out the 3 party apps but for the most part I'm going to wait till Feb but the more I read about some of these 3 party apps the more I want to hack!
Well first you have to sync you ipod touch/iphone and then once its done then you restore it to the 3.0 but you need itunes 8.2 to restore to 3.0
So if i use ultrasnow when its released to unlock the phone
i wont be able to restore the phone back to factory settings in dfu mode through itunes?
Hey, at least they searched ;)

Yes you will. Ultrasn0w is a software unlock that would be removed should you restore a normal Apple firmware

Ok so the baseband would be restored back along with the official 3.0 apple release?
A) Even if a restore didnt completely remove the hack it wont get bricked because it not unlocking and jailbreaking doesnt damage the firmware or whatever like unlocking does, B) If you are still a little scared, when you restore just click set up as a new iphone and you'll be ok, C) i didnt know you can upgrade using independence but my best bet would be restore in itunes (when you click restore itunes should say its going to restore and install 1.1.1) and then use ijailbreak and you'll be good to go, as long as you have not unlocked your iphone (using a different carrier other that at&t) jailbreaking doesnt do anything a simple restore wont fix

So it doesn't damage the firmware then like bernie mac is saying in this post?

I thought ultrasnow modified the baseband which is a modification that can't be downgraded? only upgraded when apple release there next os update which then bricks the phone?

Hope im wrong :rolleyes:
So it doesn't damage the firmware then like bernie mac is saying in this post?

I thought ultrasnow modified the baseband which is a modification that can't be downgraded? only upgraded when apple release there next os update which then bricks the phone?

Hope im wrong :rolleyes:

If you search the forums you will see that multiple people who have jailbroken and unlocked their phones who have then had problems that required a visit to Apple have done a simple restore and not had a problem.

His post was also from nearly 2 years ago with a different firmware.

The unlocking procedure, to my knowledge, does not make permanent changes to the baseband, hence why if you unlock, then restore a firmware, you need to re-install yellowsn0w/ultrasn0w to get it to unlock again
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