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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 13, 2008
Can someone please tell me why the entry level iMac went up $100 dollars. I know its a better computer but the American price stayed the same! The old price $1299 and the price is $1399. This sucks because I might not be able to afford it anymore :mad::(
Can someone please tell me why the entry level iMac went up $100 dollars. I know its a better computer but the American price stayed the same! The old price $1299 and the price is $1399. This sucks because I might not be able to afford it anymore :mad::(


cause the money is

1 dollar us to like 0.8 dollars canadian

so that $1199 imac in canadian should be $1498.75

they are already giving you a break
Can someone please tell me why the entry level iMac went up $100 dollars. I know its a better computer but the American price stayed the same! The old price $1299 and the price is $1399. This sucks because I might not be able to afford it anymore :mad::(

Order it from the US then.
i might do that but I think I have to buy it in a store. This sucks! I could see a little more but not $100 more.
is there anyway i can email apple? I know i probably won't be able to do anything about it I just want to to rag on them:p I look for there email but couldn't find it.
Stronger US dollar= More expensive product.

Sorry but the canadian dollar is trading at .75 on the US dollar two years ago it was trading at around 1.25 or so, I dont exactly remember. This leaves apple two choices eat the difference or charge you for it.
It's a hundred bucks for a better performing machine...if you want one for $1299 just buy an old one from Best Buy or Future Shop.
Exchange rates.

Look at it this way. 1399 CDN = 1088 US.

Canadian iMacs are $100+ US cheaper than American iMacs. :D

hmmm I never realized that. Well I guess its fine but i still do wish that they stayed at $1299, but its not apple's fault.:p:eek:
I'm in the same boat...but we're actually getting a good deal.

The old 3.06 iMac cost $1999 US vs. $2099 Canadian, but at today's exchange rate, $1999 US = $2596.10 Canadian. So we were actually getting close to a $500 discount, or $600 if you got the student discount.

I was expecting the prices to go up with the refresh, since the Canadian dollar has fallen in value.

If you're looking at the bottom end iMac thought, I'd recommend picking up one of the new Mini's, which has an uncharacteristically high student discount proportional to the price. $669, and then pick up a nice 24" monitor for $300. Upgrade the ram to 4GB for $100. $1069 for a great computer. Grab a logitech S530 mouse keyboard combo, and you'll be set!
I'm in the same boat...but we're actually getting a good deal.

The old 3.06 iMac cost $1999 US vs. $2099 Canadian, but at today's exchange rate, $1999 US = $2596.10 Canadian. So we were actually getting close to a $500 discount, or $600 if you got the student discount.

I was expecting the prices to go up with the refresh, since the Canadian dollar has fallen in value.

If you're looking at the bottom end iMac thought, I'd recommend picking up one of the new Mini's, which has an uncharacteristically high student discount proportional to the price. $669, and then pick up a nice 24" monitor for $300. Upgrade the ram to 4GB for $100. $1069 for a great computer. Grab a logitech S530 mouse keyboard combo, and you'll be set!

Ive though about that but Ive got my heart set on the iMac:p Ill just have to deal with what is.
If you've got your heart set on the iMac, pick up one of the refurbished 24" models for the same price.

For $1399 Canadian you get:

- 24" (1920x1200) screen vs. 20" (1600x1050) screen
- MUCH higher quality screen (IPS vs. TN)
- More powerful video card (HD 2600 vs. 9400)
- Slightly faster processor (2.8 vs. 2.66)

Or, save the money and get the refurb 20", HD 2600, 2.66 unit for $1199 Canadian.
Ok I'm glad im not the only person who saw this. I have in my room, an UNBOXED 3.06ghz iMac that I just ordered a few weeks ago before I knew about the update. By the day I caught wind they shipped it. So I was atleast happy i could send it back and get a new one before my 14 days were up.

But once I went on the site the price is effing ridiculous. 2599 the 3.06, Add Tax and the ATI Card and its nearly 3 grand. I was ok with spending $2600 on the 3.06 with my 3 year apple care, but even if i returned me applecare and its still an extra 400 bucks + the shipping I have to pay to send this one back.

I was so happy to order my new imac now I don't even want this one, or a damn new one. I love mac but seriously this is dumb, I think it would be justified to get the new imac for 2599 if it came with quad core. I have no idea what the hell im going to do, im up for advice.
Ok I'm glad im not the only person who saw this. I have in my room, an UNBOXED 3.06ghz iMac that I just ordered a few weeks ago before I knew about the update. By the day I caught wind they shipped it. So I was atleast happy i could send it back and get a new one before my 14 days were up.

But once I went on the site the price is effing ridiculous. 2599 the 3.06, Add Tax and the ATI Card and its nearly 3 grand. I was ok with spending $2600 on the 3.06 with my 3 year apple care, but even if i returned me applecare and its still an extra 400 bucks + the shipping I have to pay to send this one back.

I was so happy to order my new imac now I don't even want this one, or a damn new one. I love mac but seriously this is dumb, I think it would be justified to get the new imac for 2599 if it came with quad core. I have no idea what the hell im going to do, im up for advice.

If I were in your shoes...I would call Apple and get refunded the difference between what you paid and the clearance price.

You've got a great computer with a great video card. Very much comparable to the GT 130. Wait a few more days for benchmarks to be sure, but I think you'll be happy with what you've got. Definitely get a little bit of refund back though.
Sucks about the low-end models, but looking at the higher end 3.06 GHz iMacs today, it's cheaper for the standard 1 TB model 4GB RAM as it was last week. (Canadian Apple Store). I'm a happy camper.
If I were in your shoes...I would call Apple and get refunded the difference between what you paid and the clearance price.

You've got a great computer with a great video card. Very much comparable to the GT 130. Wait a few more days for benchmarks to be sure, but I think you'll be happy with what you've got. Definitely get a little bit of refund back though.

Thanks sfroom, I dont see an 3.06s on the clearance but the price is obviously dropped I'm going to call right now.
If you've got your heart set on the iMac, pick up one of the refurbished 24" models for the same price.

For $1399 Canadian you get:

- 24" (1920x1200) screen vs. 20" (1600x1050) screen
- MUCH higher quality screen (IPS vs. TN)
- More powerful video card (HD 2600 vs. 9400)
- Slightly faster processor (2.8 vs. 2.66)

Or, save the money and get the refurb 20", HD 2600, 2.66 unit for $1199 Canadian.

I would do that but unfortunately my desk can't fit the 24" model:(
New simple mac mini is also higher 100€urs in europe than the previous model (579 eurs now vs 479 eurs) this is not acceptable.

Jobs is getting crazy, he's ****... off non-usa markets!!!!!! this is unapceptable!
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