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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
Hey, I jailbroke my old touch, and enjoyed it a fair deal, but eventually went back to original firmware due to bugs and the like. Now, I have an iPhone 3G (I'm on Windows too, unfortunately) and I'm asking you if I should jailbreak.

I know there's tons of terrific features, but is it stable? If my iPhone breaks (again, but I highly doubt it will) and becomes unresponsive and unable to turn on, and I have to send it back, will I still be given another even if it's jailbroken and iTunes cannot recognize it on five different computers? Is it laggier?

What's the best video recorder application? Is there a maximum time limit? How do I get the video off my phone and onto computer?

How do I install different themes like the leopard theme?

I think its worth it. Im a canadian user but im sticking with the 2.0 firmware still. Im jailbroken and its fairly stable, always updates in cydia to fix things. You can always restore your iphone to its original state before sending in using "DFU" mode. You can still use it on 5 diff computers if you like. The best video recorder right now (and its free) is cycorder and has no limit. You need to SSH into your phone to get the videos off the iphone.
Will the jailbreak for 2.1 for windows ever be released?
Will the jailbreak for 2.1 for windows ever be released?
If your phone has been jailbroken, all you have to do is load a custom firmware and you won't need winpwn. Although many users have experienced various error, but technically it should work.
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