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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 27, 2008
Myrtle Beach SC
I hope this is in the right forum and I did a forum search on itune's but only gave me user instruction's,anyway; I had my Iphone 1.1.2 unlocked/jailbroken and upgraded to 2.0 by a computer store that does this alot. Before I could access Itune's 8 no problem and do my thing,but now when i hook up the Iphone it give's me this message;

Itune's cannot read the content's of Iphone(weird symbols with a 1 in the middle) Go to the summary tab in Iphone preferences and click restore to restore this Iphone to factory setting's.

Do I do a restore to factory setting's and all is good or do I do a restore to factory and my phone is back to 1.1.2 and lose unlock/jailbreak?

I have Cydia and Installer on 2.0 now and everything work's except Itune's connection.Thank you for any and all help that you give and have given already.
I would suggest downloading the most recent (2.1) firmware for your phone and doing a restore from that. You'll most likely need to put your phone in restore mode so iTunes will see it. To do this, push and hold the power and home buttons at the same time until you see the "Connect to iTunes screen"

Then you can re-jailbreak your phone. You will lose all your cydia stuff, but I think it would be worth it to at least get the Apple updates.

If you need a link for the firmware, try
Just a note: it's iTunes not iTune's. iTunes doesn't own anything so it makes no sense to use the apostrophe.
I would suggest downloading the most recent (2.1) firmware for your phone and doing a restore from that. You'll most likely need to put your phone in restore mode so iTunes will see it. To do this, push and hold the power and home buttons at the same time until you see the "Connect to iTunes screen"

Then you can re-jailbreak your phone. You will lose all your cydia stuff, but I think it would be worth it to at least get the Apple updates.

If you need a link for the firmware, try

Thank you very much,I will try this and see if that does the trick.

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