I hope this is in the right forum and I did a forum search on itune's but only gave me user instruction's,anyway; I had my Iphone 1.1.2 unlocked/jailbroken and upgraded to 2.0 by a computer store that does this alot. Before I could access Itune's 8 no problem and do my thing,but now when i hook up the Iphone it give's me this message;
Itune's cannot read the content's of Iphone(weird symbols with a 1 in the middle) Go to the summary tab in Iphone preferences and click restore to restore this Iphone to factory setting's.
Do I do a restore to factory setting's and all is good or do I do a restore to factory and my phone is back to 1.1.2 and lose unlock/jailbreak?
I have Cydia and Installer on 2.0 now and everything work's except Itune's connection.Thank you for any and all help that you give and have given already.
I hope this is in the right forum and I did a forum search on itune's but only gave me user instruction's,anyway; I had my Iphone 1.1.2 unlocked/jailbroken and upgraded to 2.0 by a computer store that does this alot. Before I could access Itune's 8 no problem and do my thing,but now when i hook up the Iphone it give's me this message;
Itune's cannot read the content's of Iphone(weird symbols with a 1 in the middle) Go to the summary tab in Iphone preferences and click restore to restore this Iphone to factory setting's.
Do I do a restore to factory setting's and all is good or do I do a restore to factory and my phone is back to 1.1.2 and lose unlock/jailbreak?
I have Cydia and Installer on 2.0 now and everything work's except Itune's connection.Thank you for any and all help that you give and have given already.