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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 29, 2008
I just did my second JB 2.2.1 and I am still having this issue. It seems that once I JB I can't change my SMS ringtone anymore. I can change it when it is stock but not after JB.

I can change the selection and it appers to change it, but when I get an SMS I get the default "Tri-Tone" tone.

Anyone else?
Have you SSHed in to the phone and messed with the default sounds? Are they all still there, and are indeed the proper .caf files?
Have you SSHed in to the phone and messed with the default sounds? Are they all still there, and are indeed the proper .caf files?

I haven't used SSH yet, I suppose that is the next step on my evolution here with my iphone. I just haven't started with that yet.
Crikey, I just did another JB and I no matter what SMS tone I choose, when an SMS comes in I hear "tri-tone" WTF?

i think he means when he chooses "glass" it plays "tritone" even if he picked any of the other 5 it will only play the tritone sound
i think he means when he chooses "glass" it plays "tritone" even if he picked any of the other 5 it will only play the tritone sound

Yes! That is exactly what I mean. Even when I go into settings/sounds the "glass" sound is checked off but it still plays tri-tone
Yes, time to SSH into your phone, navigate to system/library/audio/uisounds and check that you have 6 files there called sms-receivedn.caf where n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. They should all be different sizes. Each corresponds to one of the six you can choose as your tone.

Also, 2 questions:
- have you done a hard reboot of the phone?
- in the settings screen do the 6 sounds play correctly when you choose them? If they do, maybe there's some kind of lock file that has got written to the phone, like "lockbackground.jpg" which prevents you changing your wallpaper. Maybe that would get put in the same directory, look around for other .caf files the same size as the tri-tone one.
Yes, time to SSH into your phone, navigate to system/library/audio/uisounds and check that you have 6 files there called sms-receivedn.caf where n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. They should all be different sizes. Each corresponds to one of the six you can choose as your tone.

Also, 2 questions:
- have you done a hard reboot of the phone?
- in the settings screen do the 6 sounds play correctly when you choose them? If they do, maybe there's some kind of lock file that has got written to the phone, like "lockbackground.jpg" which prevents you changing your wallpaper. Maybe that would get put in the same directory, look around for other .caf files the same size as the tri-tone one.

ok, this is weird...I ust sshd into the phone and switched the names of two sms tones. Right now only the tri-tone will ring no matter which one is selected. The others play during preview and when I choose a different one is has a check mark next to it - but when I get an sms it is always the tri-tone or "sms-received1".

I switched "sms-received1" to sms-received3" and now the "glass" tone sounds when I get an sms.

It seems that the only sms tone that will work is the one labeled "sms-received1"

Any thoughts??
OK, I have found out what the issue is. I just did a new JB and then set my phone up as a "new phone". I then slowly installed all my favorite app's and then sent texts to my phone after each install.

It seems that after I installed PYSL - I cannot change my SMS tones. Since installing PYSL it will only play the "tri-tone" tone.

Very strange. I NEED PYSL or something similar. I hate that my SMS's pop up on the screen for all to see.

Anyone have another solution for me besides PYSL?

Searching for "blacklist" in Cydia, I get iBlacklist and MCleaner. Pretty sure there are more apps, if you search, that do what you want. No experience with any, personally.
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