Arrrrrgh! This thing drives me CRAZY. I've been shooting for over half a decade on numerous kinds of camera bodies (D300 mainly), but D7000 is my camera body now and I just cannot get the point autofocus on this damn thing to work! Other cameras? Fine! This? Impossible!
Let me elaborate: I do not use AF assist. I have it set to AF-C /S or AF-S /S. I can aim at a target that is standing perfectly, perfectly STILL. Push the shutter down half way -- autofocus snaps into place. Then push the button all the way down and
SOMEHOW IT ENDS UP OUT OF FOCUS. All of the time? No. Too much of the time? Yes!
I do need to emphasize, I'm not talking about _ruined_ out of focus. I'm talking about the difference between _tack sharp_ and ... just missed.
It happens constantly with this thing. To the point that I think that there just must be some D7000 setting I'm missing. Because I'm actually... pretty decent at photography. I do not have these kinds of issues with other kinds of Nikon camera bodies.
What am I missing? Do I HAVE to use autofocus assist to get this damn thing to work right? Because, I'm sorry, but I can't, and I also need to be able to control exactly where it focuses and trust that the little red box in the viewfinder will be where the camera focuses.
What do I do? What am I missing? Is there some D7000 autofocus technique that I fully admit I might just not be aware of?
Let me elaborate: I do not use AF assist. I have it set to AF-C /S or AF-S /S. I can aim at a target that is standing perfectly, perfectly STILL. Push the shutter down half way -- autofocus snaps into place. Then push the button all the way down and
SOMEHOW IT ENDS UP OUT OF FOCUS. All of the time? No. Too much of the time? Yes!
I do need to emphasize, I'm not talking about _ruined_ out of focus. I'm talking about the difference between _tack sharp_ and ... just missed.
It happens constantly with this thing. To the point that I think that there just must be some D7000 setting I'm missing. Because I'm actually... pretty decent at photography. I do not have these kinds of issues with other kinds of Nikon camera bodies.
What am I missing? Do I HAVE to use autofocus assist to get this damn thing to work right? Because, I'm sorry, but I can't, and I also need to be able to control exactly where it focuses and trust that the little red box in the viewfinder will be where the camera focuses.
What do I do? What am I missing? Is there some D7000 autofocus technique that I fully admit I might just not be aware of?