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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 24, 2021
So my 2014 Macbook Air froze on login the other week. I had some of my data restored and was told it's probably the hard drive thats cooked. I bought a replacement crucial p1 drive + adapter and have had no luck installing mac os on my macbook.
For starters I cant get into disk utility, the best I can get is internet recovery mode which loads for ages then gives an error message.
Ive tried bootable usb's which will load then freeze before ever getting to a window. I installed both Sierra and then Mojave on my new external drive and then installed the drive only to have the macbook not even recognise the drive. Basically this macbook was not responding to external bootable USB's or drives. I tried wiping and re-formatting the old SSD and still getting nothing. I then tried a new mac SSD with Big Sur already installed and the macbook wouldnt even recognise the drive. So by this stage I figure it has to be a hardware issue, maybe the logic board? But then I manage to install Ubuntu which runs like a charm....would anyone have any ideas on whats going on with this macbook? is it just possessed? Ive trawled a bunch of threads...PRAM and SMC resets haven't worked. Really boggled at this stage and ideally would love to know if there's any way of getting a mac OS on this macbook. Cheers
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