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macrumors member
Original poster
May 9, 2012
I've been experiencing an intermittent issue for the last 6 months or so. About half the time I download something from Safari (PDF, JPEG, etc.) I get the attached error message when I go to open the file. I have checked the settings and do not see anything wrong. I have restarted my machine, restarted Finder, restarted Safari... I'm not sure what else to do. Anyone have any experience with this or tips?

I am on a 15-inch 2018 MacBook Pro on Sonoma 14.5, Safari 17.5.



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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009

I don't have an exact "fix" for you.
But I DO offer something that you could try.

You will need a file that won't open because of permissions.

You will need some kind of external drive. It can be:
- USB hard drive
- USB flash drive
(just some kind of drive to which you can copy the file in question)

Then, do this:
Copy the problem file to the external drive or USB flashdrive.
Click ONE time on the icon of the external drive to select it
Bring up the "get info" box for the drive (type command-i)

In get info, go to the bottom and click the lock.
Enter your password to unlock it.
Now, put a checkmark into "ignore ownership on this volume" (sharing and permissions).
Close get info.

Copy the file BACK FROM the external drive.
Try to open it.
Any better?

If you try this, let us know whether or not it works.
No promises.

Yes, "it's a kludge". But sometimes, what works... works.


Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
Still running Monterey here, so don't know if this is a specific Sonoma issue. But you didn't say where your download folder is - see the "file download location" in the Safari general preferences. Maybe it's set to something strange, or maybe Sonoma is defaulting to odd permissions? Anyway, I'd try changing the download location to a folder where you're sure you have write privileges and see what happens.

I tend to change my download folder pretty often, so downloaded files go in specific locations based on what project I'm working on (I work with lots of large geodata downloads from the USGS and other open data sites).


macrumors member
Original poster
May 9, 2012
Thanks guys! I decided to just nuke my machine yesterday and start from scratch. Was having this issue plus some others. I let is sync all night and this morning and I'm back in business!

For the record, my download folder is assigned to a folder named "Downloads" in my Google Drive folder. So if this issue ever comes up again I will certainly check that out.

Thanks again for the replies


macrumors 6502a
Jun 7, 2011
Its amazing that in 2024, you need to reset your machine to fix problems. I love when Apple tells you to nuke your network settings to fix network issues. Instead of adding new features, Apple should address these issues.


macrumors 6502
Oct 10, 2012
If this happens again, I recommend first checking if you have the same issue with other browsers before you nuke your machine.
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