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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 30, 2009
UPDATE: Solution is in this article:


In Finder I used to preview FLV files just by pressing space bar - like any other video file.

After reinstalling the system from Mac OS disk (I had to reinstall it, cause my Finder stopped working correctly), I cannot preview FLVs this way any more. I still can see the preview, when I click "Get Info", but not when I press space bar. When I press space bar I just see the file icon and some basic info.

I really need this function, cause in my work I need to quickly preview many FLV files, and I don't have time to open and close them every time in VLC, or other player.

Please help...

Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 30, 2009
I think you need to install flash.
I do have Flash installed. When I reinstalled the system, I have left all the apps and settings as they are - nothing has changed in my computer, that's the problem. The only thing I did, I reinstalled Mac OS system software.
As I said - I can watch those videos in the info pane, so the preview function does work, but not by pressing space-bar for quick-viewing...
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