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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 3, 2008
My problem seems very similar to the one discussed here:
I've already tried everything suggested in that thread, and none of it helped.

As of two days ago, my phone will not start, and I am unable to restore the firmware. The phone is a 3G running pwned 2.1 firmware.

The phone got very hot, and the battery quickly drained. At about 50%, I restarted it, but it didn't help. At 20%, I plugged it in. The battery started draining slower, but it was still draining. Now the battery is completely dead as far as I can tell; the phone only 'works' while connected to USB.

I booted it into recovery mode, and iTunes detected it. When I tried to restore the firmware (I tried vanilla and pwned 2.1, 2.2, and 2.2.1), the phone would shut off while iTunes said 'preparing iphone for restore', and then about 2 or 3 minutes after the phone shut off, iTunes would give me a 1604 error.

I then tried it from DFU mode. When I started a restore, the phone screen would light up white (from the off that is DFU mode). If I tried any firmware other than 2.1, the screen would stay white and I would get an error 23. With 2.1, the same thing that happened in recovery mode would happen.

I have also downloaded iRecovery, though I don't really understand what it does. I've been unable to find instructions for it anywhere. It detects my phone (though only in recovery mode, not DFU). I can change the background color, and I can load files into memory. I'm not sure how to use it to do anything useful.

Ideally, I would like to get my phone working again. However, if I can't, I want to somehow get the default boot logo and recovery image onto the phone so that I can return it.

I'm not sure if it will help, but here is the output from printenv in iRecovery:
  config_board = 'n82ap'
  loadaddr = '0x9000000'
  boot-command = 'fsboot'
  idle-off = 'true'
  boot-device = 'nand0'
  boot-partition = '0'
  boot-path = '/System/Library/Caches/'
  display-color-space = 'RGB888'
  display-timing = 'optC'
P bootdelay = '0'
P backlight-level = '46'
P platform-uuid = <DATA>
P auto-boot = 'false'
  image-version = '0x3'
  framebuffer = '0xfd00000'
  secure-boot = '0x1'
Those were the first things I tried.

The phone shuts off after iTunes has been saying 'preparing iPhone for restore' for a while, so I'm fairly certain that I'm not going to be able to use normal methods to resolve this. I'm not sure what sort of effect the battery being completely drained has.
Those were the first things I tried.

The phone shuts off after iTunes has been saying 'preparing iPhone for restore' for a while, so I'm fairly certain that I'm not going to be able to use normal methods to resolve this. I'm not sure what sort of effect the battery being completely drained has.

Thats about as solutions to 16xx errors you'll have. You could go to the Apple Store.
Thats about as solutions to 16xx errors you'll have. You could go to the Apple Store.

I'd like to, but my boot logo is the pwnapple. What I need is some sort of way to replace that.

If there is no way to replace that, my other option is getting the screen to not turn on at all.
Oh. I see now, well have you tried other Macs/PCs? I remember having a similar problem like this months ago.

That was one of the first things you suggested, and one of the first I've tried. I've tried everything I can think of to restore the phone, and everything several people on the dev team IRC channel could think of to restore it. At this point I'm fairly certain that the problem is the battery, so I need a way to replace the pwnapple logo and the steve recovery icon so I can return the phone to Apple. If there is no way to do that, I will have to make the trek to an Apple store and argue with them about it.
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