I have encountered a strange problem with MobileMe.
In the Mail app on my Mac, I made several To-Do items expecting them to be synced to my Calendar on Me.com. I made sure that the "Create notes and to dos in" option under 'Mail > Preferences > Composing' is set to "MobileMe" as opposed to "On My Mac".
However, when I log on to Me.com and check my calendar, the to-do items I created from Mail do not appear there (yes, I have already enabled the "Show To Dos" panel preference).
But for some reason, if I create a new to-do item from my calendar at Me.com and later check my Mail and iCal app on my Mac, the item I created from Me.com DOES appear.
It seems that my to-do items are able to be synced FROM Me.com to my local Mac apps, but not from my Mac TO the Me.com cloud.
Furthermore, what's strange is that when my Mail app downloads the to-do items I create on Me.com, it sorts it under the "On My Mac" To-Do folder as opposed to "MobileMe". The to-do items I create from my Mail and iCal are filed under "MobileMe" as they are supposed to be; but ironically, they are the ones who cannot sync to MobileMe.
Does anyone else have this problem? Any idea how can it can be fixed?
Thanks in advance,
In the Mail app on my Mac, I made several To-Do items expecting them to be synced to my Calendar on Me.com. I made sure that the "Create notes and to dos in" option under 'Mail > Preferences > Composing' is set to "MobileMe" as opposed to "On My Mac".
However, when I log on to Me.com and check my calendar, the to-do items I created from Mail do not appear there (yes, I have already enabled the "Show To Dos" panel preference).
But for some reason, if I create a new to-do item from my calendar at Me.com and later check my Mail and iCal app on my Mac, the item I created from Me.com DOES appear.
It seems that my to-do items are able to be synced FROM Me.com to my local Mac apps, but not from my Mac TO the Me.com cloud.
Furthermore, what's strange is that when my Mail app downloads the to-do items I create on Me.com, it sorts it under the "On My Mac" To-Do folder as opposed to "MobileMe". The to-do items I create from my Mail and iCal are filed under "MobileMe" as they are supposed to be; but ironically, they are the ones who cannot sync to MobileMe.
Does anyone else have this problem? Any idea how can it can be fixed?
Thanks in advance,